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They couldn't sleep in all night. Whatever was out there, calling for a nonexistent mother, was trying to take both explorers out of the tent. But why? At the beginning, Linda argued with Terrence about the voice belonging to an actual girl, but after thinking for a brief moment, she accepted that there was something weird about the presence. They kept whispering to each other, in the tense silence left by the little girl's voice, making long pauses every so often to hear. Linda was death worry about the voice, and afraid of getting out of the tent. But after a moment, Terrence broke the silence and said that there was no problem: Whatever that thing was, probably was gone long ago.

"Listen, I know it seems creepy", he said, "but that thing is maybe the most normal thing you'll find here. We better focus on gettin' out."
Terrence got his head out of the tent and looked outside.
"See?", he said. "Nothing. No trace of whatever that thing was."
Terrence got out and stretched his arms.
"How are you so sure it wasn't a little girl?", asked Linda after a moment.
"Let's just say I have heard that song before."

"What song?"

"Oh, you didn't hear it?", he asked. "Remember Gary? We heard a jazz song at the same time, and he seemed really nervous. I think he knew something, and now you and I have experienced it. Every time that song sounds, it's better to keep quiet."
"But what was that?", Linda asked.
"I don't know. But I assure you, is not here. Come and take a look. At least take a look."
Linda went out of the tent and looked around.
"It's cold", she said grabbing her arms.
"Yes. Maybe we are underground."
"Then, it should be rather hot, since we would be near the center of the Earth."


 "I cannot stop thinking on the voice we heard", Linda said. "It was a ghost?"
"And what if there is an actual little girl here, wandering around this strange place, just like you and me?"
"Linda, whatever that thing was, it's not around anymore. We can't hear it, right?"
"Yes, but..."
"I know", Terrence said. "I feel the same. But we need to stay focus on stay alive and gettin' out of here. Think about your family, about your doggy. If we don't find the exit before running out of food and water, we never gonna make it, cause I really doubt somebody out there has any idea of where in hell we are.
"When you found me, I was lucky. I was fightin' my butt to stay alive, after I've drunk my last drop of liquid days ago. Sorry to be so raw, but we're in a shit-hits-the-fan situation, and things won't get any easier."
They were exploring corridors for hours. Following Terrence advise, Linda had tie a white thread to the tent, in order of use it as guide, since Terrence was afraid of making a mistake drawing the map. Linda was still a little shocked for the supernatural experience, so she decided to bring both of her ice axe, a big knife and a flare-gun.
"Yeah, I know how to use it", she said before begin the trek.
They didn't rest in all night, but they had a lot of energy that day. They walked for so long, and when Terrence made the mark number 35 (literally, carving the number 35 with his knife on the wallpaper), Linda almost forgot her fears. Sometimes they even laughed while exploring the infinite yellow corridors.
 Of the pile of out-of-the-ordinary kind of things they found, some were: A wooden wall that had no wallpaper on it; a wooden door frame (with no door), that gave to a dark room, without anything interesting else inside; a short stair, covered with yellow wallpaper, that started from the floor and die at a wall; a rotten water leak on a wall, that was so wet that Terrence made mark number 40 on the wallpaper using only his fingers; a bad illuminated hallway that went in zig-zag, with not entrances on either side, and went to an abrupt end; a hallway where the roof were so low, they had to bend to walk; a wall full of hand drawn happy faces; a door that once open gave to a hallway, and after they entered that hallway, they found themselves in a place they may seen before, near mark #16, and when they turned back, the door behind them has vanished, cutting the white thread.
Some of those things would disturb Linda and Terrence on the past, but now they were just happy strange things, and they accepted them as part of a world where dreams and irrationality ruled.
Getting close to the tent, Terrence saw something and stopped to look at it.

Day Sevenजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें