Chapter 10: You can't run from Shadows

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Warning: This chapter and some in the future will hold mentions of self abuse and eating disorders. If this might trigger you, feel free to stop reading, I'll try to add a warning at all chapters containing these issues if you want to skip them, but you might miss out on important parts of the story. For those who continue, these problems are very real and very much NOT FUNNY. PLEASE be mindful when making comments. Thank you.

It's a stupid thing, but sometimes I forgot. I forgot about my own problems. Laughing with the girls and sharing neat tricks we'd all picked up. Reading lazily in the sun on a bench. Relaxing in the shower, lounging and reveling in me time.

I even forget that I'm not the only one that suffers from an abusive home.


This voice is new. Sounds like Sirius.

Where was I?

Right, forgetting. It's a good thing that reality likes to come by and remind me.

Minette is ill. Pale and shaking, can't stop throwing up kind of ill.

The mystery of how she stays skinny has been solved. Apparently she has some sort of eating disorder. She likes the taste of food, hates the feel of it.

Been called fat a thousand times too many by all the toxic people we call family.

"Nette, at least drink some water." Veronica isn't normally patient and gentle. You can actually see her struggling to keep it up as she awkwardly rubs Minette's back.

Minette is practically clutching the sides of the toilet alternating between sobbing and gagging. Quickly shaking her head no before going back to dry heave over the toilet.

"Willow by Merlin's underpants you will let me in or I will light your hair on fire!" If anything, I think the sound of her brother's voice might have distressed her more as she begins rocking back and forth.

"I don't care if it's the girls bathroom! That is my sister in there!" Felix bursts through moments later looking like a wild man. He's in such a disheveled state that there's no way he could've done it on purpose.

His face instantly softens as he drops to his knees by his sister. "I've got you Min, it's okay. I've got you."

Veronica looks relieved as she steps away, Minette instantly turning to curl into Felix's chest, sobbing.

My heart aches. Not just for Minette, but for myself.


Maybe. Maybe I am. Because watching the Rosier twins, even walking out to find Willow in the full body bind curse, makes me sad. And half of what I'm thinking is: I wish I had a brother like that.

One to stick with me when things got hard. Willing to jinx my friends just to be there. Disregarding rules and proprietary, just to comfort me when facing my demons.

Which, immediately makes me feel guilty.

Compared to Minette, I got away lucky. I don't throw up most of my meals. I may have nightmares, but I'm relatively healthy. I can be happy and confident about my appearance almost every day while she's always pinching herself in fear of finding fat.

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