Part 3

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Part 3

"You did WHAT?!?!? That's it! You've gone completely mad, insane, bonkers, koo koo in the head! How could you do such a stupid thing! You should be glad your not DEAD! They could have killed you and no one would have known you were dead till you had been droped in a lake or something equally horrible. And for what? A HUNCH?!?! your trying to kill me aren't you? You want me to have a heart attack from worry." raved Amondi. Amondi is my best friend in the entire world. She's a tall girl, with that classic beauty that tall thin black people always seem to have. She is always worrying about me. Ever since Trish's disappearance, she has taken over the role of older sis/bff.

See, she was Trish's best friend, you know, before. Her disappearance freaked Amondi out. So now she's super protective. Right now shes still ranting about my 'disregard for personal safety'. Im siting on my bed, patiently listening to a lecture I know I deserve. She's pacing the length of my room as she clutches at a died wooden necklace she always wears. Her Grandma G made it in Kenya as a little girl. Grandma G swears that it has been given good luck, fueled by the families good deeds. She always grabs at it when she's nervous or scared.

I guess I should tell you why this necklace has been 'blessed with good luck'. See, Grandma G and Amondi believe in an old Kenyan god, Ngai. They believe that he is there in the four most important times of your life, and when you are in the greatest need. Other than that, your on your own. Hes a busy guy after all. He's kinda like the god of karma. If you are good, you get good luck, and life is good to you. But if you are a bad person, well your basically screwed. Hence, they believe that this necklace has been kinda blessed by him. It has been worn at Grandma G's wedding, and has been good luck ever since.

Anyways, back to the rant. "Do you realize how bad this is?!?!" she said, exhausted from her speech. Oh Damn, she wants an answer. I sigh, and turn to face her.

"I was perfectly fine. I can take care of myself you know." I said, trying to act nonchalant, even though I knew she was right.

"Oh of course you can" she said sarcastically. She stops pacing, exhausted. She slumps onto the bed, and puts her head in her hands. Finally, she sighs, and speaks. "You scare me Gina. You really do. How can you not realize the danger you put yourself in? Ngai must have a special interest in you Gina, to protect you so much."

"I thought He didn't take 'special interests' in anyone?"

"He doesn't. And that's part of what scares me. Normally, he would leave you to your own devices, send some good luck your way as a reward. But obviously, He has something planned for you. After all, with all the stupid things you do, a normal person would have been killed" she says, the last part with a chuckle. I can tell that her wit is forced. She really is scared. Thats what freaks me out. This isn't a case of older sibling typical worry. This is true fear, and for my life.

"It was the same with Trish you know" she tells me. "She was always doing stupid things that could have gotten her killed. I thought it was just luck at first. Soon, however, I knew that somehow, she was being protected, and I felt like it was my job to help protect her. Like I was placed here to guard her from what He couldn't. I failed Trish Gina. I won't fail you" she said, a fierce look in her eyes. And on that somber note, she sighed again, rose to her feet, and said, "So what's the plan?"


Hey my readers!

Ok so i'v gotten like probably the same 9 people to read this. Cool!! :D 

So last update for the next couple days. I have another part in the works. Please comment!!!!! I reeeeeeeally want some feedback (good or bad)! I hope you guys enjoyed reading this! And fear not, the 'Fantasy' and 'Adventure' parts are coming SOON!!!!!

Bye and have a great day,  

BAnn-95 :)

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