Chp. 15 - Breaking down

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When they got home, Nightmare suddenly made himself noticeable. ,,Soooo... What's wrong with ya, kid?"
He asked, seemingly chilled, even if he really wasn't, no one was allowed to make his protégé sad.
Error didn't really respond for a bit. 'It's... It's nothing...'
Error trailed off as he entered the room. "Geno! Fresh! Inky and Ms. Comyet are here, and we have ice cream!"
Error cheerfully exclaimed even though his feelings doesn't match the excitement.

,,Kid...?" Nightmare said in a concerned tone, while Geno came running to Error, hugging him tightly.
,,Ruru! Ruru! Missed you!" He cheered and giggled, interrupted by his coughing.
The child shook his head and grinned then at Error, before looking at Comyet and Ink.
,,Ohhh! Hi! You really have ice cream with you?" He asked in excitement.

"Yep." Comyet then raised a bag and smiling gently. "It's all here, eat it quick before it melts." Comyet chuckled and gave it to the children, even though there was magic sprinkled on it to make it last longer, also healing magic, Comyet specifically paid extra for Geno's as she handed the ice creams.

Error then took his. "M'goin to the kitchen." He needed to wind down.
He can't stop thinking how he almost panicked, how he should be a bit more careful and see if he can find ways to avoid this 'her' entirely.
Sometimes forgetting that Nightmare can still hear his thoughts even when not directly talking to his guardian. 'S'nothin'.'

,,Uh-hu, sure. Error, you can't lie to me- What's wrong?" Nightmare asked, in a more serious tone.
'It's really nothing... Bad day.' Well, that wasn't technically a lie considering who made his day bad.
,,...Alright." Nightmare answered, even if he didn't sound happy at all and still concerned.

Error then glanced at Ink, silently asking if he wants to come with while Fresh took his ice cream.
"Thank ya Aunt Com! You're real rad!" Fresh chirped.
,,I agree to Fresh!" Geno cheered happily, smiling brightly.
Meanwhile, Ink rushed over to Error, looking at him with a tilted head.

Error then went to the kitchen with Ink once he noticed that Ink chose to be by him.
'I'm... Scared Nighty.' He ended up admitting, he doesn't want to hide everything after all...
,,...Scared... scared of what... Error?" Nightmare said slowly, clearly bothered by something now.
Ink patted Error lightly on his head.
'I... I don't want to talk about it... Fears suck, I shouldn't even be afraid! ...'
Error trailed off, glitching a bit at the sudden pat and glaring at Ink before slowly calming down again.

He then moved and sat down on one of the chairs as he opened his ice cream and took a bite. 'I... Was reminded of... Of the ritual...'
,,O-oh... I am so sorry, Error. But don't say you shouldn't be... be afraid. Fear is... fear is necessary in our lives. It's protecting and warning us of dangers. So, we should learn to live with it."
Nightmare said, trying to somehow calm Error down.

Error bit down a bit harsher on the ice cream. 'But... But it makes me look weak... It- It prevents me from being able to protect my family...!'
,,If you didn't have fear, you wouldn't even know the dangers your family is in, as you wouldn't fear it. It doesn't make you look weak, it's making you strong."
Nightmare countered and Ink looked at Error in worry.

'But it also makes me not do things I'm supposed to do! If I'm so fearful then how can I protect my family? Hell even protect Ink from- from....'
Error trailed off and just bit another piece of his popsicle. 'S'not fair.'

,,Error... fear is a really heavy subject. But you are six. Fear is totally normal, it's an emotion. And emotions are part of our being, if we didn't have them, especially fear, we wouldn't be ourselves. You understand? Even if fear can paralyse us, it's not something you should hate." Nightmare answered.

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