Dancing in the Dark

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I dance with the silhouette of you

And I feel like I'm home.

Home feels light and warm when you're around.

I could get lost in your smile, your eyes.

The eyes that hold my entire world.

A touch that I've never quite known, but love.

Your voice is the only sound I hear.

Your whispered words, the mindless talking,

All are engraved.

Any dream, any future I could imagine had the outline of you.

But dreams can get cut short.

And whispers turn silent.

There's no more talking.

A touch I yearn for is gone, one that I've never known.

And never will.

Eyes that turn dull and never look my way.

There was never a smile.

There was never a home

Because there was no silhouette dancing with me.

I was dancing in the dark alone.

Wishing for you.

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