Chapter 2

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An incessant ringing forced Kara to open her eyes, her view instantly blocked by a mass of raven hair. "Why?" The dreadful noise that woke her up was too far away to be her phone since she remembered bringing it into the room with her when she followed Lena. "Le, your phone is ringing." Groaning, she nudged Lena's side. "Le, answer your phone."

Shifting on her side of the bed, Lena turned to look at Kara, green eyes lighting up in the morning sun. "What?" Husky from sleep, Lena squinted to look at her properly.

"Answer your phone, it's ringing in the kitchen and if it goes again, I will throw it out the window." Unsure if she was serious herself, Lena raised an eyebrow at her but made no attempt to move. Lying next to each other, the two stared at one another in a stalemate, Lena unwilling to move from the comfort of the bed and Kara waiting to see if the phone rang again.

Ten seconds. Ten seconds and the blaring of Lena's ringtone drifted in from the main room. "That's it." Kara threw the cover of her and started getting up, intent on throwing the offending phone from her window. Hands gripping her arm stopped her, trying to stop her from getting up properly, it was only years of pretending to be human that made her stop and act like she'd been stopped by the woman in her bed.


Kara dropped back onto the bed and laughed. "I won't if you can beat me to it and answer it. I warned you, it's not my fault you ignored me." At that, Lena released her, rolled to the side of the bed, threw the cover high enough to catch Kara's head and raced out of the room.

Following the CEO, Kara skidded to a stop in her fluffy socks when Lena turned to her, phone in hand and stuck her tongue out at her as she answered – in Kara's opinion – the worst person on Earth at this morning. "Hello?"

"Lena, your PR team has been all over me because you weren't answering. They're pushing again for you to get social media, the response from last night to this morning has been incredible apparently." Sam didn't give her a second, straight to the point as always.

Scratching her head, Lena stifled a yawn. "What are you talking about?"

A beat of silence crossed the line. "The live stream Kara did last night. You've come across amazing and people are begging in the comments for you to get your own social media."

Memories of Kara holding her phone and bringing up her lack of social media and talking about what people were saying about her, about them. "I remember. I don't see why it's such a big deal, I'd never post on it if I had it."

Kara let Lena talk to Sam and started making the two of them breakfast, pancakes. Everyone liked pancakes, but she did have yogurt and fruit in the fridge for Lena when she was finished with Sam. She didn't want to eavesdrop, she didn't, and she didn't mean to, but she wanted to know if she'd messed up. She hadn't intended to push the idea, but after a few spiked wines, she thought it was the best thing known to man (or alien).

Pouring the batter into the pan, Kara's own phone pinged in her bedroom. Lowering the heat, Kara glanced over at Lena before walking back to her room for her phone. The thing barely had any battery after a night off charge, but the number of notifications on it was more surprising than the fact it was still working. Why was everyone so bothered about a live stream trying to convince Lena to get social media? It couldn't have been that entertaining.

The most recent notification was a text from Alex.

Answer your phone before I come over there and then bleach my eyes!

That's extreme.

You're being dramatic

But if you're coming do you want a pancake?

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 03, 2022 ⏰

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