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James Potter II  looked just like his namesake. Raven black hair and hazel, almost golden, eyes and a face that would make any heart melt. But he doesn't want to make hearts melt, he doesn't want love. Hell, he runs from love.

But it might have just caught up. 

You see, James is scared that what happened to his father will happen to him. He's scared that if he loves someone too much they'll just get hurt, like all of Harry's loved ones did. Actually, he's not scared. He's terrified. He's even trying to distance himself from his family, too, because it seems that every time he loves someone they get hurt. Take Albus for example. 

His dad once joked that it was passed down in the genes. James believes that this is true. And unavoidale. 

But all this changes when he falls for the new girl. Typical, right? Wrong. This girl is anything but ordinary and even when he tries to distance himself from her, she finds him. 

It's not his fault he loves her, it's fates. 


New story lads!!! I know what you're thinking, "finish a story before you do another one, yew nork!" but, i wanted to do this, so there! :P Anywho, i'm not the only author and for once its not IAmGeorge but BooshBaby, the author of the phenomenal IAmLacerta. Sorry if i misspelled that. Anyway, we might not upload soon because we're working together but . . . . . .still! 

I'm going to go now because i'm tired so. . .  .GOODNIGHT!!!

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