I'm Just A Person

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I study Wicca, big deal. But does that mean that I don't have morals and values?

I listen to Loreena McKennit and have tarot card readings, but does that mean that I haven't cried myself to sleep at night?

I shop at Psychic Eye and write the Wiccan Rede out by candle light, but does that mean that I don't screw things up, and act ridiculous?

I set up an alter to do spellwork, but does that mean that I'm not fun and happy? Does it mean that I don't fear the warfare I see on the news? Does it mean that I don't love and respect the world?

The Muslims and Jews over there are no less of a human than I, just like the Buddhist man and the God-fearing Christan woman. We are all made up of flesh and blood, heart and soul. We all have our strengths and our weaknesses, our brilliant days, and those days that make us feel depressed and angry. We all feel pain, joy, sadness, grief, guilt, and any other emotion you can think of. We all want love and attention. We all want to be right, and we all want to share our spiritual beliefs with others, hoping to enlighten them. We all want to achieve Christ-hood, and be the very best that we can be.

More blood has been spilled in the name of GOD than for any other reason in the history of war. There has been so much violence when it comes to religion. If God is love and happiness, how is war sharing his gift? To push your beliefs on someone else, and fight about it is a godless thing to do. "Love thy enemy." Hasn't your church been trying to teach you that for years?

I have a vision for the world. A vision where holy wars do not exist. A world where Pagans and Christians can be best friends, and not have conflict. A world where witches are not feared, and one's ignorance does not hurt someone. A world without fear, ignorance, conflict and hatred. A peaceful planet where we all love one-another, and nobody judges a person because of his or her beliefs. I hope to see a day where the Catholic family next door is not praying to "save" their Pagan neighbor's life.

No matter what religion, race, gender, or sexuality we are, we are human! We all have feelings, we all can be gross, we all can be a pain in the neck, we have all hated and loved ourselves, and other people. We have all tried to share our souls with the world, and have felt the pain of the outcome. We have all said "I don't think that's right." Every single one of us wants to leave a better world for the next generations. We all have had a fierce craving for chocolate, and other foods. We have all made horrible, stupid mistakes that make us want to beat ourselves, we have all been so embarrassed we wanted to die. All of us have thought things that are brilliant, stupid, gross, creepy, sad, horrible, dirty, and things that are just plain boring. Who cares where you're from or what direction you go in, what spiritual path you follow. Or if you don't take the spiritual walk at all? Let us love and be loved for who we are. Because we are awesome, and maybe, we have a lot to offer the world.

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⏰ Dernière mise à jour : Feb 07, 2013 ⏰

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