Part 8 - Announcements

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Darcy beamed. She had said yes. He wanted to take her into his arms and kiss her senseless but Mrs Hill had rounded the corner and was strolling towards them. So instead the two just stood staring at each other. Darcy beaming, Elizabeth with a shy smile. That is until Hill pushed her way straight through the pair of them, "Excuse me Sir, Lizzie could you get the door."

Elizabeth quickly stepped forward to oblige, glancing back at Darcy as she went to follow the housekeeper through the door. He reached out and caught her hand gently, "I will speak to your father now," Darcy murmured. To which Elizabeth gave a small smile and nod. She squeezed his fingers before releasing them and entering the parlour. Darcy took a breath to compose himself, though his heart was still racing, and followed. Mr Bennet was stood at the window, his back to everyone else. Darcy bowed out of politeness to Mrs Bennet and the other assembled Bennet sisters but did not stop to join them, instead strolling straight over to his target and asking to speak with him alone.

Mr Bennet glanced at him warily but nodded, and just as quickly as he had entered the two men left the room. Mrs Bennet humphed at his supposed rudeness but was soon distracted by Jane and Bingley. Elizabeth too tried to distract herself from the conversation she knew was happening by focusing on her sister. Only Caroline Bingley was not distracted. She had noticed Darcy's late arrival with Eliza Bennet and his immediate need to speak with Mr Bennet alone. As she furiously tried to work out what was happening she glanced at all of the Bennet's around her. Elizabeth had her head down and turned away so Caroline could not view her face. None of the rest of the family seemed to be particularly distressed. Had they not heard any of the compromising rumours she had so carefully begun the night of the ball. But then the younger siblings were always so silly she doubted anything would upset them overly much and Mrs Bennet was fawning over her brother in much the same way she always had.

Caroline observed Elizabeth quietly. Finally she looked up slightly and Caroline caught a glimpse of her face. She looked pale and tense. Were her eyes a little red? Caroline smirked at the thought of her crying. Maybe the rumours had reached Longbourn. Caroline smiled with satisfaction.

Meanwhile, in Mr Bennet's study, Darcy was nervously wringing his hands behind his back as Mr Bennet simply stared at him. Darcy had just asked Mr Bennet for permission to marry his daughter and the man had not said a word in reply.

Darcy cleared his throat into the awkward silence.



"Why do you want to marry my daughter?"

Darcy was uncomfortable expressing his feelings at the best of times but this was excruciating. He found himself stammering to answer, "I admire her greatly... and she, she is clever and errr her eyes. She has fine eyes. I, ummm... she is kind. She will make a good mother and mistress."

"I thought you disliked each other. She said that you didn't think her handsome enough to dance with at the assembly."

Darcy winced, "That was a misunderstanding, I have apologised for it. I think her very handsome and... err... I would like to marry her. Please."

"Have you asked her?"

"Yes Sir, she accepted me just a few moments ago."

"Hmmmm" Mr Bennet stroked his chin and continued to stare at him with calculating eyes. Darcy shifted impatiently.

"There are some things you should be aware of Mr Darcy before you commit yourself to my daughter. I'm afraid that in the last few days my daughter has become quite ruined. Not unfounded rumours are circulating regarding a... an inappropriate liaison, between her and Mr Wickham at the Netherfield Ball. She has disgraced herself and her reputation is no doubt beyond repair."

The Compromising of Elizabeth Bennet: A pride and prejudice variationWhere stories live. Discover now