Chapter 18

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*Mel's POV*

When we finally leave the theatre (since they literally kicked us out) we all walk back together. I decide to hang back with Dan.

"You really enjoyed it then?" I ask and he nods vigorously.

"Yeah you were fantastic," he smiles.

"Thanks, so I was believable? It was genuinely like I was Wednesday?" I quiz him.

"Completely, so much it was slightly freaky. In fact I even felt jealous of that Lucas guy," he says.

"You-you what?" I ask confused.

"I wasn't meant to say that,"

"Well you kind of have to tell me now,"

"Ok, ok, I felt jealous of the Lucas guy. Why? Because I like you Melody. I like you a lot," he confesses.

"You-you-you..." I can barely get anything out.

"It's fine. I get it if you don't feel the same way." He says looking at his feet.

"No. No, I like you too," I practically whisper.

"You do?"


"Well then, I was wondering if you would do me the honour of being my girlfriend?"

"It would be my pleasure," I smile hugging him immediately. We carry on walking behind the rest of the group but hand in hand now. Soon we are at Dan's street so everyone says goodbye to him. They start to carry on walking but I hold back.

"See you later Dan,"

"See you Mel, I will call you tomorrow ok?"

"That sounds great," I say. I reach up and kiss his cheek and hug him before he goes into his house.

I have to run to catch up with the others but I decide to skip because why not? I'm happy after all.

When I reach them I decide to jump on Dougie's back.

"Mel! What are you doing?" He asks.

"I'm getting a piggyback! Onwards!" I declare and he begins to gallop with me on his back. And to think we are part of the non drunks here. Though we are hyper on sugar. Then again, when he sets me down I turn to see Danny has fallen in a hedge.

I honestly have no words.

We eventually manage to make it back to our house and myself and Harry insist that everyone stays over since they are in no fit state to get home themselves, even by taxi. Instead we all decide that the best thing to do at 2am is to start blasting music and have a rave. I am very glad the neighbours are on holiday.

"GUYS! I THINK WE BETTER GO TO BED!" I shout over the music. Why? Because it has gotten ridiculous.

Danny, Emma and Gi are doing some random dance routine that seems way too rehearsed.

Tom and Izzy have decided to make pancakes.

James is singing love songs at the top of his voice.

Georgia and Matt have decided to do a fashion show.

Harry has gone into Strictly mode and is cha-cha-cha-ing round the living room.

Dougie is being a starfish.

Enough said really.

I manage (with the help of a less dancing Harry) to get Matt, Emma and James into my room, Dougie, Tom and Gi into Harry and Izzy's and Georgia and Danny into one of the spare bedrooms. Harry carries Izzy upstairs and into the other spare room and then comes back downstairs.

"I'm very proud of you you know. You're a good little actress," he laughs.

"Thanks. I'm sorry for not telling you about it,"

"It's fine don't worry. In fact it made it all the better when I did find out," I smile.

"Good. Now I'm tired so I guess we better be off to bed," I say yawning.

"Ok I better go see if Izzy's off to sleep."

I take a pillow and blanket out of the cupboard and lay them on the sofa. I just get comfy when Harry sticks his head round the door.

"Night Junior,"

"Night Senior,"

He winks and smiles about to exit when he adds a last little line.

"Oh by the way, that Dan guy? I approve,"

I lay here in the dark smiling like an idiot. Things are looking up.

*Two months later*

"Where did he take you then?" Matt asks while putting on a layer of foundation. We came to the theatre early so we could get ready well in time and chat.

"To this little Greek restaurant near his, it was brill," I reply excitedly, "though it seemed bizarre him yes king me out since it was his birthday."

Dan had taken me out for dinner last night since it was his birthday and I had the best time. And of course Matt wanted the gossip.

We realise that everyone is starting to arrive so I head back to my dressing room to get ready for warm up. I pull off my hoodie and change into my dance shoes, before making my way to the stage where we warm up.

Half an hour later I am making my way back to the dressing room when one of the stage hands approaches me.

"Hey Melody. Have you seen Matt there is-"

"There's what?" Matt asks walking up behind me.

"There is someone at stage door for the pair of you." The stage hand replies before walking in another direction.

"Who do you think it might be?" Matt shrugs in reply as I open the door. There stands a tall man with blond hair, a white shirt and black jeans. He completes the look with a black beanie on his head.

"Hey Charlie!" Matt exclaims.

"Hey Matt!" The man says in reply.

"Melody this is Charlie Simpson," Matt says to me. My inner fangirl is freaking. When I was younger Charlie was my favourite in Busted, just don't tell Matt that.

"So Charlie, what are you doing here?"

"I've come to watch the show but I kind of need to talk to both of you too, James as well. Could you maybe ring him? And we could all meet up after?"

"Sure thing Charlie,"



Hey so this is more of a filler chapter but I hope you liked it

Hopefully I shall be able to update soon! I would also like to thank you all for commenting an voting all the time it means a lot!

Till next time!

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