Entertainment district (7)

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Civillians/3rd person POV:
"What was that noise just now...?" "...NO" "OH NO-" "SOMEBODY! DO SOMETHING!" "ISN'T THAT THE MADAM?!" "SOMEONE, PLEASE! GET THE MASTER NOW!!"

???s POV:
"Hmm" I brush it off with a smirk, To then drop down to the opened window. I see a black haired male with his head lowered,
"How are you doing?"
"M-muzan-sama!" "It seems...you've consumed quite a number of humans." "Your powers have grown even stronger since I saw you last." He smiles
"Good, good." "S-Sir!" I bow my head down to him,
"However. Stay alert, One will prone to trip up when things are going most smoothly." "Understood, Sir." "The more even experienced members of the Demon slayer corps, hashira for an instance. Can detect us demons most quickly, However, Unless they're as Strong as a hashira, Humans are all alike to us, At a glance. On the other hand, We can discern things that they can't, like blood types..ailments, and genes..."
He gets up, "Daki." "Yes si- Y-Yes, muzan-sama!" He walks towards me. "I expect great things of you."
"You're unmatched in your beauty, and strength. you've even killed seven hashira already. You'll grow to be stronger and stronger, And ever more merciless. You're a special demon."
Back to idk what
"Dont lay your hands on me. You arrogant, rotten brat. I guess...you must be disciplined..Disciplined. Severely." "Warabihime oiran!" He kneels in a polite manner, "I'm begging you, Please! Please, let this go! It's almost time to open up the shop. We've even got customers coming. I'll give her a good talking too, So for now, Please...on my honor." I turn my head around to the male kneeling down, and smile softly. "I suppose I was too harsh on the new girl. Please, do tend to her wounds." I tilt my hhea to the right,
"And do raise your head, Master. I'm the one ought to apologize. There's been quite a lot of small things getting on my nerves, Of late." I turn around, "I'll be getting to work, So hurry and tidy this mess." "Y-yes ma'am!" "Get people up here! Tidy this, Now! Don't you do anything to annoy Warabihime Oiran again!""
That damned brat... From the feel of it, He isn't seriously hurt. simply just unconscious...he also braced himself for the impact, He's not a civilian, he's from the demon slayer corps, No doubt. But he's got no strength no where near to a hashira.

Your POV:
I'd better hurry back... It'll become dawn soon and I can't keep hiding here forever. Uppermoon 3.5
I stare at the mirror
"It's hard to control changing my appearance... But at least it doesn't change randomly." I blink, "There we go, Now I can go..." I put dark brown contact lenses on, Although I can change my appearance I cant change my eyes pupil. (Idk the right word)
I walk out of the alleyway, "now... which house or place does daki stay in, again?"
Omg cool flashback time yasss!!!!
"Accompany daki and gyutaro in the entertainment district. There'll be trouble surrounding them at most. Since you're a strong demon, I won't punish you that severely if you fail to keep them alive. Now go on." "Yes....zan-sama." Strum
End of super cool flashback YASSSSSS
"Hello, Please do accept me into the house." I lower my head down, Asking politely.
"My, my. You're a pretty one indeed!" I smile softly looking back up, "We'll take you in since you're so pretty looking! And polite ofcourse!" Eh, These stupid little idiots fall for tricks so easily. It's pathetic but honestly hilarious.

Time skip cause like I'm hella lazy.
I tie my hair into a ponytail, Lowering my bangs and then Staring at the mirror. I take my contact lenses off, "Ugh...-" Someone knocks onto the door, "Are you done changing your clothing now?"
"Yes I am, I'll come out in a bit. Please wait! Pardon me for taking so long" I put my contact lenses back on right after
I get up, then walk towards the door. Insert the sound of a door sliding open or just opening girl I don't know

I have to avoid getting touched by the sunlight, It really won't end well if I get caught by the sunlight.
I can't even believe I have to work while day... I wish I could just sleep it through, ugh I should've waited longer to come by at this point.
Insert sound of door sliding open idk
I walk into the room waiting for a customer to just come in whatever to do my stupid ass job girl IDK.
I close the door, Seeing that the windows are luckily closed
I turn the light switch then close it
blah blah insert cool stuff happening wooo (I hate writi-)
Insert a door opening lol idk anymore help
"Hello, Mas-" "...[Y/N]" "Wait, Kokushibou? Why are you here? How'd you even get here?"
He closes the door.
"I was just teleported here...and I just wanted to check up on you. That's....it, I guess.."
I slightly blush trying to brush my nervousness and the feeling of being flustered away, "Oh.. alright then, are you gonna like uhh leave now???" "..." "......" "bitch I had to pay to see you...cant you do something cool...." "I can use my demon blood art on you" "ill slash you to shreds if you do that." "Please chill I wasn't being serious (ʘᴗʘ)" "meow." "what" "meow for me" "why" "at least do something that was worth for me paying so damn much" "ok, meow" "okay bye I'm leaving now, I'll probably come back depending on the situation" "Bye bitch" "fuck y-" Cool biwa strum noise yassss
"Biwa girl saved me thank god"
"Hello? Are you okay in there? I heard someone else talking in there?" "Oh, Please don't worry about me! I'm sure to be alright."

Huge ass time skip to daki going "brother help me pls they cut my head off" "ok" emerges from the back of his sister

"DIE! DIE! YOU'RE ALL GONNA DIE! AGGGHHHH!!!" She whines, then the male lowers his swords. (Whatever it's called) " I GOT MY HEAD CHOPPED OFF, THEY CHOPPED MY HEAD OFF! ONNIIII-CHAAN!!"
Emerging from back noises
He makes up a stance ready to attack the demon emerging from the white haired females back,
Bomb and whoosh noise yahhhh
"...." He turns his head around staring at the two, "It's no good crying, You know..? Can't you stick your head back on, eh...? You really don't have much ways in the brain, do you? Ehh...?"

???s POV:
I chopped its head off but... It's not dying! What even is that second demon that came out of her back?! It's reaction time was way off the charts, too.
"What's this here... Eh? Burn marks on your face? You gotta take better care of your face, you know... It's a waste of your good looks, you know?" Insert gyutaro and tengen just attacking each other
"Oh.. That's not bad, eh. You blocked my attack, huh? I went in for the kill...you know."
I'm sensing another demons presence... Insert dropping sound
"My my..." (< Gyutaro or daki didn't say this) It seems like a female, Its walking towards the white haired demon that seems to be crying.
I don't have time to care about those two. "You're pretty good... ehh. Pretty good..."I turn my head back at him, Actually staring at him with an intense ass look.
"...you're good, huh. You've even got a good face, you know? Nice skin, too... No stains, burns, bruises or scars either, eh? You've also got a good build, huh... I'm all skin and bones, you know? You're even tall, too, huh? You're even easily over six feet tall..."
That other female demon seems to be comforting the other one....
"Oh, I just bet the ladies can't get enough of you, Eh? I'm really jealous... You know." He's starting to scratch himself, "I wish you'd die, eh. Die in an awfully painful way, you know? Just like getting flayed alive. Or maybe even getting gutted! Or maybe even somethi---"
"Onii-chan! Its not just him, There were also others!"

Kanrojis POV (before u became an upper moon or sum sheet):
"Its already been so long since she's been gone... Are there really no signs of her anywhere..??"
"Unfortunately, yes..."
I frown, I'm not usually this sad but, This feeling of losing a sibling is. Making me feel honestly depressed, But I'm at least still pretty happy.

lol hi there, you don't like cliffhangers? Damn okay
Any who, cliff hanger cause this has 1445 words (ʘᴗʘ)

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