like a mermaid? (Metamorphosis)

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No. No. No..

JACK tries to move forward but is stopped by the cuffs. He looks back towards them as MICHELLE looks over at him, scared. As TRAVIS begins to take out his weapons, JACK rattles the handcuffs. TRAVIS takes out a can of gas, which MICHELLE sees and becomes desperate.

Oh God! Please don't!

You don't have to do this!

Travis begins to pour out gas.

If you want to kill me, kill me, but not my wife. Okay? I'm begging you.

Ain't got no choice. My condolences.

TRAVIS walks around with the can, emptying it. Desperate, JACK begins to pull on his handcuffs again.


Suddenly we get a flash of blood pumping in veins again, like we saw in the bar, and JACK's eyes becomes bloodshot. He continues to struggle and we get a shot of JACK and MICHELLE kissing, and then blood moving in veins again. A few more of those flashes and then of his reflection in the woman's window earlier. Finally, JACK breaks the chain between the cuffs and he's free. He jumps on TRAVIS right away, pushing him to the floor. Sitting on top of him, JACK begins to hit TRAVIS. TRAVIS hits back after two hooks from JACK, and JACK falls to the floor. TRAVIS moves over and sits over him, hitting him hard of the chest with his arm in a cast, while MICHELLE watches in terror.


TRAVIS hits him again and then when he goes for a third hit, JACK captures his arm and breaks the cast. TRAVIS screams out in pain. JACK throws him to the floor and then gets on top of him, moving his arms away. We hear a heavy heartbeat and JACK's eyes are completely bloodshot now. He holds TRAVIS in a choke hold with one hand and then rips away TRAVIS's shirt with the other, exposing his shoulder and neck. JACK watches as the blood pumps beneath the surface of TRAVIS's throat and then he goes in for the kill, biting down. TRAVIS screams out in pain and JACK rips a part of his throat away with his teeth and sits up again, and chews on the piece of skin. TRAVIS bleeds out quickly, leaving a big pool of blood underneath him. JACK just chews away on the piece he just ripped from TRAVIS. The camera focuses on MICHELLE who watches all this, in shock. JACK goes in for another bite, and TRAVIS dies. We see as JACK is taking the second bite, how his face is changing, becoming ugly and contorted. MICHELLE just stares, in shock and terror. Suddenly JACK whips around and looks at her, his face completely covered in TRAVIS's blood. He turns around and then stands up. He walks over to MICHELLE, who's scared and crying now, and he squats down next to her. He frees her and she jumps out of the chair quickly and moves away from him.

Stay away from me!

JACK sobs out her name.


MICHELLE bolts for the door and runs out.


MICHELLE runs over to her car, keys in hand, and pulls open the door to the drivers side. She gets in and drives off quickly, tires almost screaming.


JACK is standing in the same spot where MICHELLE left him, breathing heavily with sadness. Slowly the monster takes over though as his eyes falls on TRAVIS's body. He walks slowly over to him.


The Winchester and the Morningstar pulls up in front of the house, and we see a car on the other side of the street. They slowly gets out, flamethrowers in hand. DEAN walks around the IMPALA to SAM and Haven.

I guess now we know where Travis is.

They start walking towards the house.

That stupid son of a bitch.

The little archangelOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz