17. Fucking, Lyn

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same day, couple hours later

My eyes flutter open, my eyes wince at the bright light at the side of me from the small perched up high window. My eyes dance around the room my eyes slowly taking in the four walled up room with the small window, walls smeared in i hope is just red paint but i could smell the horrid stench of the looking freshly blood. My ears perk up when i hear drip drip dripping sound from the pipes above me or should i say around me. Am i in the sewers?

Next thing i notice is my numbed legs, i glance down to see my legs bare with my jeans gone leaving me with my boxers. My eyes widen when i see dried blood on my bare legs, my eyes wandering to my hands to see them chained up against two pillars. My legs dangle from the ground with just the tip of my toes brushing against the hard basalt. Last thing i noticed was the numbing decreasing as i feel my whole body on fire, i roll my teeth between my teeth to stop a scream to erupt from my lungs when my eyes snap to my stomach to see a slash mark across my lower abdomen.

My hands shake against the chains when my eyes flash with recognition of the hour prior of being beaten by the two goons that kidnapped me. My head hung low, tears on the brick of my eyes but i push them away not wanting to show them my weakness. I'm a Rossi. We don't weep.

My eyes snap towards the metal door that opens up, my whole body on alert until i see the person that comes in shocking me to my very core. My insides twist in anger and rage.

"Fucking, Lyn" I seethed with a snarl, pulling on the chains in blind rage.

"Hey babe" she said with sweet innocence but a hint of hatred in her tone.

"Of course it was you" I muttered underneath my breath. "Why? what did i ever do to you?"

"Don't act like you don't know, baby. You and Aiden kissing at the football match was enough to prove my theory of him somehow sneaking past our love for each other. I just merely took back what he had stolen for me" Lyn smirked, playing with a blade in her hand that i didn't see before as she draws closer to me.

"He didn't steal shit Lyn, you always were possessive. Aiden just helped me to open my eyes to see what crazy bitch you really were-" A slap caught me off from my angry speech as my head snaps to the side, my eyes narrowed on the wall on my right my jaw clenching in fury.

"Of course i was possessive over what's mine, Aiden wanted you from day one but you were to blind to know that your best of friend is in love with you. I just took you before he could get the chance"

"You blackmailed him didn't you?" I answered lowly.

"Ah so you are smart" She smirks as she trails the blade down my face with this sinister look plastered on her face that i had once loved. "I think the blade needs a bit of red, don't you agree Lucas?" She taunted.

"I don't think that would be sanitary" I sarcastically spoke without even realising as something twitched in Lyn's eyes. Does she need to go to specsavers to purchase some glasses?

"Even being kidnapped hasn't lost your sarcasm" She questioned as a bloody grin crawls up my face.

"Never" I smirked.

Before i know it she is trailing the knife down my eyebrow to the centre of my cheek creating a bloody deep trail. I scream in pain as she tilts her head to the side, painting her mark on me as if i am her canvas. She stops cutting me as i breath heavily, panting as i watch her every move waiting on her Vixen attack.

She brings the knife up to eye level as she watches my blood drip on to the ground as i watch her with this dark look in her green eyes. The emerald green eyes that i had once got lost in. "Beautiful isn't it" She whispers glancing up at me then to the bloodied knife.

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