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It's been 2 years since the outbreak of the virus. Still, no sign of vaccine for it, lakhs of people lost their lives every day. The virus affected the whole world. Yes, I am talking about the "COVID-19". The pandemic due to which many lost their loved ones.

The same happened with Meena who's a scientist. Even she lost her beloved father 5 months back due to covid. Her mother passed away when she was young, she only had her father who was her greatest support now she doesn't have him either, she was left all solitary. But, Meena has Keshav her fiancè who got her back during her hard times, they both were high school sweethearts. They meant everything for each other, they loved each other unconditionally. Even though they both were opposite and had different interests they were still the sweetest couple. Keshav is an engineer whereas Meena is a scientist. Keshav helped her to come through her dark times after her father's death. When she was fully recovered from the trauma she decided to find a vaccine with her teammates who include Issac & Zareen, they are Meena's best friends, they graduated together from the same university and currently working together.

Meena decided to find a vaccine so that no other person should lose their loved ones as she did. She wants the world to be normal like it was before. She started working on the vaccines with her team.

Now what? Can she find a vaccine? Let's see what happens next.

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