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" I did not understand how one could ride so.. curiously. Two legs, to the side?" Labyrinthe lamented. Oh, the drama. But it was true, even though he felt an odd urge to defend such display of talent, it was indeed.. curious.

" Oh, " He breathed " I could not make anything of it if I tried. " As he moved to sit down, He began to realize he felt... Guilty. It was not a comfortable feeling in the slightest.. The cold air crept upon the skin of the back of his neck... he could only feel fleeting warmth in the valley under his nose.

He's killed beasts with his hands, held another man down in a frenzy that almost costed them town eye, held himself captive for years. But this made him feel the eyes of God upon him.

Nervously, the man scanned to see if the eyes he possessed would meet hers. They did not, they didn't even meet face. His, 'wife' was preoccupied with a book, but was not reading. She was deconstructing words to be able to read. Maybe, he thought, Hopefully, she falls in love with herself long enough to forget about me.


The people of this town weren't strictly Deists, But rather denominations of Presbyterianists and some Other European religions. It was actually quite modestly proportionally comprised of immigrants, churches as far as the eye could see. Well you couldn't busy yourself with much of any of that, but it seemed like you were a sore sight to them.

People were whispering and laughing and of course, like real commonfolk, they could gossip without turning their heads in the direction of the person their speaking with. Make no mistake; Ones that didn't want to hide it, wouldn't. It was a real picture.

At first glance one presumed they were nattering about you being out of fashion, and despairingly it was something like that.

There was one person in particular, who allowed himself a public and hearty smeck at what you were wearing. It was considered rude to show out like that, and embarrassing to be grouped in with the like. With his wife beside him, all you could do was simply carry on with getting your preserves and fruit for the week after doing some work around the area.

You figured that you'd look around for the circus, and see if they need any more people. That and anything else redeemable for the people here. The forest looked quite good as well.

" A lavender? "
You froze in place. Were you? What were these people so infatuated with; This was your third time in the soup, and it hasn't even been a true month yet.

" I don't take kindly to that. " You rushed past in defeat. It was a long day.. and you didn't even have your horse. However, that was for the better - you would trample them. It seemed this place had nothing but qualms for you, from all angles imaginable.

When you got home, you really could not wait to rid yourself of the uniform and take a late night stroll. The house was empty and really just got boring to look at for so long. You were used to work.. Real machine work. These people barely knew the deal with lightbulbs.

You carried a slingshot, a knife and a fruit or two. But you really weren't anticipating on going far.

It took no time to get to the countryside. If anything it was a staggering 10 or 15 feet from your back entrance.

The stroll's purpose was to get to a clearing, as you didn't want to lose yourself to the depths so late at night. There was someone already there, and you were prepared to turn around and sprint, but the silhouette was so familiar.. Oh, was it really?

You had to remind yourself that he is not a farmer, but rather the owner of the land and home. He dressed like someone that would live in the city like you, it was always increasingly confusing. Presently, he had on a long, double-breasted evening coat that fastened high the torso and went down just above the ankle. It was highnecked, black with a deep blue high-collar that tricked your eyes in the dark. And he was of course, wearing his normal straight pants and shoes that were only barely visable.

His hands were tucked into the pockets, and it looked like he has been staring at you for.. this entire time, oh.

" You're.. "
You whispered. He said nothing, but turned visage towards he sky. Hesitantly, you followed. The stars were out, And they were just brilliant.. You could make nothing of it. Even trying to recreate it with a drawing in your journal would be disrespectful to its marvelousness. You wish there was a contraption that printed straight from the eye. It was wonderful.. and the person beside you agreed wordlessly. The world was all but you two.. It didn't feel as wrong as it was.

" Yes.. "

14 years of stars, everything changes so quickly.. Temporary balls of light strolling away in what looked like a proper, formal dance. It was the height of elegance and beauty alike. Not even remotely in excess. The constant change hurt and enveloped one all at once. Truly, everything was right this night.

In the sky, Aquila looked more like a heart with an arrow shot through it.

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