The Party Starts- Now!

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[Warning: Episodes have an emoji to signify the type of the episode.

🍰: Fluffy (Nothing Sexual whatsoever besides cuddles and kisses)
😈: Devious (Sexual, Sex.)
💋: Kisses (Sexual, Makeout, some sexual notes)
💔: Heartbreak (Can be sexual, but usually angst. Deals with rejection from either party)
🥰: Friendship (two friends doing dumb shit)

There, hope that clears it up]

"Gosh, you're gonna be late- but fashionably late."

That's what Robin said to you with a motherly smile on her face as you slipped on your formal wear.

"Yeah, but everyone's gonna be there! And by everyone- i mean everyone! Marines, Revolutionaries, Pirates, EVERYONE!" You exclaimed, groaning.

Robin nodded as she did her makeup, "mhm, I understand, I have many enemies too."

"No, i don't have many enemies, just people who I dislike, they don't, though." You said with a giggle, zipping the back of your dress with ease.

Robin finished the zipping that you thought was done, and continued with her makeup.

"That makes sense, you're a very likeable, and very strong woman. What's not to like?" She chuckled.

"Fair point, thank you, Ms. Robin." You winked.

She covered her mouth with the back of her hand, giggling into it while she blushed, "oh, please. It's no problem."

You did some quick eyeliner and mascara before you gave yourself a thumbs up, too lazy to do anything else.

Robin shook her head at your laziness, but didn't mind. You were more of a natural faced person anyway. It was admirable.

The two of you walked out the door, and met Nami at the exit of the hotel.

Nami smiled at the two of you. "Hey guys!" She waved.

You and Robin waved back, those small, polite smiles on your faces.

"I can't wait to get to the party!" Nami exclaimed, reaching out to hold one of your hands, the other grasping Robin's.

"Me too! I can't wait to see Mihawk...and alot of other people, gosh." You said with a smile.

Robin chuckled, "you've always had a thing for swordsman." Her free hand layed on your shoulder. "We won't won't speak about Zoro."

You suddenly suffered from the hottest face imaginable. "Hhhhhhh." You huffed, and covered your eyes. "Listen, he's really cute, and so is law, and-"

"We get it girl, swordsman are hot as hell." Nami stated, flicking her hair back.

You giggled, "lets just go, it's at- fuck uh-"

"Yeah, Y/n, it's at 'Fuck Uh-'." Nami deadpanned.

"I was thinking, thank you." You huffed.

Robin couldn't help but shake her head and laugh at your sisterly bickering with the orange-haired girl.

"Its at the Donquixote residence, mainly because it's the only thing big enough for all the big shots." Robin explained.

"So, we're gonna be late." You sighed.

"Not too late, it's about 20 minutes away, a normal drive, I'd say." Nami hummed.

You gave them a thumbs up, and a smile.

Guess you'd just have to get there- whenever you got there.

You ran out to your  truck  like a madman, your heels clicking against the concrete as you ran to your truck-  basically throwing yourself in the seat once the door finally decided to comply with your frantic pulling.

Robin and Nami followed suit.

You pulled out of your driveway, and into the night.

Robin and Nami decided to turn some music while you went past the speed limit by at least 20.

Hope there weren't any rookie Marines out tonight.


You pulled into the residence, and parked your car in any legal spot possible.

Nami and Robin got out while you made sure everything that was remotely valuable was hidden in your truck before your hopped out.

Slamming your door shut, you began walking to the doors, Nami and Robin behind you.

Approaching the only male standing outside- which happened to be Mihawk- you smiled. "Hey Mi! What's happening in there?" You asked.

He looked over, a bit surprised. "Nothing important really, just drinking, small games, and drama." He sighed, and pushed himself off of the wall, "I didn't think you'd be coming."

"Well, I heard you were coming, so I didn't think I'd be alone once Nami and Robin ditched me." You hummed.

Nami seemed shocked, while Robin just giggled.

They always did it to bug you.

Mihawk chuckled, extending his arm out for you to grab.

You grabbed it, walking inside- ditching Robin and Nami for once.

They both High-fived one another.

As you entered with mihawk, everyone turned to you and cheered. Finally, you'd come to one of these events after...a certain something happened.

You waved to the males of tbe strawhats, who all waved back with a small smile.

Mihawk tugged you over to the older men. Nice.

Ew, Doflamingo- well- he's actually pretty hot. Damn.

Doflamingo looked down at you with a shit-eating grin. "Hey! I didn't think you'd make it~" he said, and leaned down, getting eye to eye.

You pulled him in for a hug, "yeah! It's high time I get back out here."

His arm rested on your back, rubbing up and down, "hm.." he seemed to be thinking.

"I know!" He suddenly laughed, "were gonna Play seven minutes in heaven, because everyone here needs a little bit of spice tonight." He suddenly exclaimed, standing up.

You held onto him, looking out at the crowd.

His arm went under your legs, avoiding your rear. Even he respected you with that. Because of what happened.

Everyone laughed around the room.

"If you'd notice, my servant has put a box in the middle of the room, write your name, put it in the box, and wait."

He walked over, handing you a pen and paper from the table. He let you write your name before setting it in the box.

"Everyone will at least go twice!" Doflamingo laughed like a maniac, and walked back to where he was originally, setting you down with care.

"Its nice to see you, Y/n" He said with a genuine grin, before leaving.

You looked at mihawk, "how..odd. I like it." You giggled.

He nodded, smiling down at you ever so slightly.

"Hey, Y/n should pick first!" Nami suddenly screamed, Robin agreeing shortly after.

Soon, everyone began to chant- much to your displeasure.

Doflamingo's appeared with the box seconds later- you got startled- but also- it was normal.

"Fine." You sighed, and casually slipped your hand inside, messing around before pulling out a random card.

"First lucky guy, is!...."

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