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Ok so I went to the mall this weekend wait hold on Theres a little word counter now and I'm having so serious problems focusing omg can I remove it this may be a problem ugh. Ok. Moving on. So I went with one of my best friends erin and we were just walking around and there are two malls in our area one that's super nice but kinda pricey and one that's seriously ghetto and you have to like look out for kidnappers. Guess which one we went to!!! We took a trip to ghetto land where there's no need to worry about having anything stolen. Ha. No. Anyways they have a few stores that I'm like loving that the other one doesn't sooooo. Yeah. But ok so erin bought like 4 things i think like 3 shorts and a shirt. And I bought like. 11 things. Don't judge. I got like a hat, a pair of shorts two skirts 5 tee shirts a pair of shoes and a dress. I'm totally trying to brag btw you know the deal but yes I went way crazy but you know idc bout your feelings. I already have too many clothes ok but whatever. On a more important point I also went to half price books and got three books half bad, slated, and blood red road so yeah. And to celebrate national sibling day my older bro drove us up to our Walmart and we bought a ton of Easter candy on sale. Just saying a large bag of jelly beans was a dollar so now I'm stocked for about oh idk 2 days depending. Yeah I bought like 5 bags. That's like 2.5 bags a day (wow I just did math on a weekend *clapping*).
New catch phrase: it's not mean it's the truth

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