The war

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War is hard and horrible, disability Island hasn't seen war for centuries.

Our heroes are going to find out what war is all about.

In their room the X-Men were preparing to go out when they heard a loud bang and then Jane saw smoke coming from the sea.

James was ordering his army to attack the ships that were anchored off the bay.

"Hey Professor, we have a problem, James just attacked those ships out there!" Jane said as she went back into the professor's bedroom.

"For no reason?" The professor asked looking shocked.

"I'm not sure, what his motivation for attacking them was, but we need to do something." Jane said as Logan stomped into the room looking rather annoyed.

"What's all the racket out there?" Logan asked grumpily.

"The start of a war!" Charles explained.

"But I thought we talked with them yesterday to prevent exactly this!" Logan said getting into his X-Men costume.

"Apparently we didn't, we need to do something so they don't rip each other apart, after all that's why we're here." The professor said as he tried to contact James.

"James please stop this, why are you doing this?" The professor asked in James's mind.

"They stole something from us last night, and now they're gonna pay for it!!" James nearly barked.

The professor of flinched has he received the message from James.

"What's happening professor? Rogue asked coming into the room.

"James has started a war with war these ships, because they want to take back this island!" The professor explained rubbing his forehead.

"I believe that the king of the cerebral palsy unit might have sent a spy to spy on us last night!" Jane said looking uneasily.

"What makes you say that?" The professor asked.

"I just felt somebody in our room" Jane answered with a look of fear.

"Well we just gonna stand here, or we can go out and fight?" Logan growled. unsheathing his claws.

"Remember team don't hurt them!" The professor said as Rogue and Jane and Logan went outside to confront James and his army.

"Hey James, leave those ships alone!" Rogue yelled.

"What are you gonna do about it?" James retarded.

"We're gonna take you out!" Logan growled as he charged forward his arms in a fighting position.

James put up a psychic field to block Logan's attack.

As soon as Logan realized this he swung his claws violently trying to get through the psychic shield.

"You can't stop me, this island will be mine!" James bellowed.

"Watch me!" Logan shot back.

"Rogue free the slaves, we could use all the help we can get!" Jean shouted.

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