Secrets Revealed

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After her meltdown with Roy and realization, she started planning. She knew she couldn't just wing this, it had to be thought out and planned. She had to have two plans. One to reveal that Andy is Percy and the second one to reveal the entire mythical world. She didn't know if she would be allowed to reveal it all, but she was going to be prepared. She knew she wouldn't be able to explain everything. So she typed it up and put it in a series of folders, each one having a name on it. It included a summary of everything, all the battles, all the wars, the list of casualties, and what happened to her. She revealed everything. It was painstaking, each word a struggle with her dyslexia. But she had them ready.

And then she prepared how to gather them, choosing an abandoned warehouse, having coffee and tea ready along with snacks, knowing her explanation, if not reading the files, would take a while.


Staring at the screen where her message was typed, she breathed out harshly. Once she sent it, there wasn't going to be going back. She pressed the button before she could chicken out, sending a mass text to the team. She then sends three separate ones using her other phone to Bruce, Alfred, and Roy. She could guess that Dick would be joining her with the team, she didn't need to confuse him more by getting two texts saying pretty much the same thing from two different people that shouldn't have any connections. And then she waited.

She was waiting in an abandoned warehouse, the only place she could think to meet without tipping off both parties. She would be transporting them to the manor after they all arrived. She already had snacks and was prepared for coffee and tea. It took a while to keep it from Alfred and even then she wasn't sure he didn't know. The least she could do while dropping a bomb on them was to have something waiting. It always seemed that it was better to have something hot to drink and food to put in your stomach when revealing important information.

She didn't have to wait long, first Bruce and Alfred arrived, and not thirty seconds later the team. They seemed confused, walking into the warehouse as if they expected to be attacked. Percy was currently Andy, it would be easiest that way. Although they tried to hide it, even  Alfred seemed to recognize her. It seemed as if Dick had shared Andy with him. They were all looking at her, watching her pace.

"Hello everyone, thank you for coming. If you don't mind, I would like to take you somewhere else, I don't think this is a conversation to be held in a dilapidated warehouse," Andy speaks, voice ringing through the warehouse. It took experience to develop a voice like that, one that commanded attention. It certainly caught the attention of everyone. Slowly, they all nod.

"Percy, allow me. You will need energy if you are going to explain everything. And use the files, tell them everything," She was only slightly startled when her father's voice rang through her head.

"Thank you, Dad," She says, nodding.

"It might be best if everyone closes their eyes, this part can be a bit unsettling," She says, letting everyone hear her.

She watches as everyone closes their eyes, some immediately and some later, as if not fully trusting the situation. She couldn't blame them. It was odd enough to be called to an abandoned warehouse.

Percy feels Poseidon's ability wash over them as they are transported. When she opens them, they are in one of Bruce's larger libraries, and everyone is seated in the chairs she arranged beforehand. They all look a little green but thankfully no one pukes. Alfred, Bruce, and Dick look around uneasy, recognizing the room. Percy sighs, already having a feeling that this was going to take a while.

"I'm sure a few of you already know this room, it is after all your own house," Percy says, motioning around. She smiles when she sees steaming cups and plates of sweets already out, it seemed as if she had more than transport to thank her father for.

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