Can you just stop

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I went to go talk with Su hyeok he was acting weird so u check up on him "Do you think we will get out of here" I said he turned around and hugged me he smiled at me he lifted my chin up with his hand under my chin Gyeong su looked over and see Su hyeok smiling at me he felt a little jealous who wouldn't when you have a hot girlfriend like himself he clenched his fists as he walked over to me and Su hyeok he put his arm around my waist holding me into him he leand his head on my shoulder at Su hyeok and glaring at him looking mad I looked up at both of them seeing there mad faces I took Gyeong hand "well I have to go" I said "okay bye" Su hyeok said with a hug and a smile I walked with Gyeong su "why did look so mad for" I said breaking the silence I looked at him then he looked at me " Su hyeok was flirting with you" he said looking sad I stayed silence I looked at him I leand in and kissed his cheek "no one could ever take me away from you" I said smiling at him he hugged me back just then the door opened and Gyeong su kissed me I kissed him back then I brok the kiss to see who it was I looked to see Su hyeok he looked mad "you ok bare-Su you look mad" I said letting go of gyeong su I walked to him putting a hand on Su hyeok shoulder "you two talk this out" I left the room but listen through the door.

In the room
"Stop flirting with her" Gyeong su said "why not she is into me" Su hyeok said with a smirk "she is not so back off she will never be into you" Gyeong su said pushing Su hyeok "why you littl-" su hyeok was about to hit Gyeong su "HEY CAN YOU TWO JUST STOP" I said barging in "y/n it's not what it looks like" Su hyeok said walking towards me "Su hyeok stop trying to get with me I'm with Gyeong su we are just friends" I said backing up "Whatever I never like you anyways your just a slut" Su hyeok said getting close to my face my eyes start to tear up having flash back when Gwiam su used to bully me and SA me I fell to the ground screaming "OK OK JUST PLEASE DONG HIT ME" I said tears rolling down your face your hair sticking to your face you where huddled over in fear Su hyeok looked at you as his eyes widened "WTH MAN" Gyeong su saying pushing Su hyeok away holding me in his arms Su hyeok stard at you and then walked out of the room "I'm here y/n I'm here" Gyeong su said stroking my hair I fell asleep in his arms he pulled me on his back walking to the classroom that had the others

Gyeong su POV
I walked into the class and see Su hyeok still looking shocked I layed y/n down in the recording room(you guys where still making the plan to go to the roof) when Su hyeok saw me he walked up to me "what did she mean when she said th-" "Giwam su used to bully her and SA her and get up in her face" I said cutting off Su hyeok His heart dropped when I told him "I-I didn't know I'm so-" "Don't apologize to me apologize to her" I said pointing to a awake y/n her eyes where red and puffy with her cheek red from her sleeping on it she was stretching Su hyeok walked in and talked to her all I saw was Su hyeok get slapped and then they argued with each other and Su hyeok got hit again so a ran in

Your pov
Su hyeok walked in and started to talk "I'm sorry I didnt know that happened to you" Su hyeok said I slapped him he stared at me "YOU ARE A FUCKING ASS HOLE YOU FUCKING MAKE ME SICK TRYING TO GET WITH ME WHEN I HAVE A BOYFRIEND REALLY PATHETIC" I yelled "I WAS TRYING TO MAKE GYEONG SU JEALOUS YOU THINK I ACTUALLY LIKE YOU YOUR PATHETIC" Su hyeok yelled back I gave him a hard slap then Gyeong su walked in "What is going on" he said looking at me and Su hyeok "your slut of a girlfr-" be for he could finish I pulled my knife out and held it Su hyeok throat "say it again I dare you" I said Gyeong su just laughed "don't fuck with her man" Gyeong su said walking to me and Su hyeok Then On Jo walked in......

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