Marella is Done With Your Crap

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I was annoyed.

My idiot friend, Keefe, had decided to play "spin the Leapmaster", where he spun the Leapmaster around and randomly leaped into a beam of light, which definitely should have made him fade away, but because of the natural protection from danger that reckless people have, he only slightly faded.

Bad news, he ended up at my house. Now I have to deal with him being insufferable while we went to Elwin.

Seriously, the amount of "I'm fine, no need to worry!" that I had to suffer through. You'd think that Alden was here or something.

Also, he distracted me from training with my pyrokinesis, which I did not appreciate. I almost lost control when he popped up, almost shooting flames directly into his face.

We walked to the Leapmaster, called out "Foxfire!", and watched the Leapmaster select the crystal we needed and let out a beam of light, ready to take us to Elwin.

I noticed that Keefe had one of his signature smirks on.

"Don't even think about it."

"Too late!"

With that, he grabbed the Leapmaster and spun it, creating many different beams of light, then pulling me into the middle and leaping us away.

The leap was a hard one, to say the least. Only my rage at Keefe kept me together.

As we glittered into reality, I turned and glared at Keefe.


"And this is the thanks I get for getting you a fun game to try?"


"Note to self, Marella doesn't like fun."


I spent so long yelling at Keefe, I didn't really get to notice my surroundings. I found out a bit too late that we weren't alone here.

"Um, hi? Who are you? How are you here? Also, what did this guy to to make you so mad? Do I need to punch him? I know how to deal with stupid boys."

I froze. I hadn't noticed the fields of... Some weird red fruit that we were standing in. Neither had I noticed the human girl and boy, looking at us with interest.

The boy was very tall and muscular, but with a face that belied his stature. It was all round and small, like a baby's.

The girl had short, braided hair, light brown skin, and a confused expression. She was the one who had spoke.

Keefe said, "Nah, I don't feel like it today, as for who we are, you can call me Lord Hunkyhair, and this is my assistant,-"

"No nicknames.", I said, cutting him off. My name is Marella, and this idiot is Keefe."

"I'm Piper", the girl said. "This is Frank."

"Hi!" the boy said. His voice, like his face, was much younger-sounding than you would expect from someone that tall.

"But really, how did you get here?", Piper asked. "There shouldn't be a way to be here for you"

"What do you mean, 'for you'? I don't need to tell you anything!"

Keefe said "Whoa there, Marella, you need to calm down, and maybe don't antagonize the scary girl?"

"Pshh, you think she's scary? I bet I could take her."

"Why are you so mad at her, though?", Frank asked.

I paused for a while. "I... Guess I'm not mad at her, she just reminds me of you, Keefe. I AM STILL NOT OVER THE FACT THAT YOU-"

"Whoa there, calm down and maybe talk to us about what happened? Also, I am definitely glad that you're not actually mad at me", Piper said.

"It doesn't matter, and we should go now." With that, I discreetly slid my Pathfinder out of my pocket, not letting the two see it, holding it behind our backs, and leaping us away.

I used some of my concentration for Keefe, I'm not completely heartless.

We coalesced to form in front of Foxfire, and made a beeline to the Healing Center.

Elwin took one look at us and said " why are you faded, what happened?"

I told him about the sheer stupidity of Keefe, and our encounter with the mysterious teens.

"Wait, you light leaped in front of a HUMAN!?"

"Oh, yeah, it'll be fine, who'll believe them? Anyway, I got a good feeling from that Piper girl, I doubt she'll tell."

Elwin raised an eyebrow, took a deep breath, and said "We'll deal with that later. For now, we need to deal with your fading problems."

He gave us each some elixirs and told us to take it easy, making Keefe promise to not do that again.

"Ugghh, fine... I guess. I need to find some people that will go along with my schemes. Maybe Dex would..."

"Hold it! Stop right there, Hunkyhair!", an all-too-familiar female voice called out. "While I love pranks, that doesn't give you an excuse to ditch me and almost die!"

Ro had arrived.

I walked out, leaving them to deal with their drama while I went home to get ready for training with Linh. Honestly, she's way better than Keefe and his annoying hair.


Hey, how was that?

Sorry for all the Ro fans, to me it just felt like Marella wouldn't care and just go to her hangout with Linh.

Also, please do comment. I sort of feel like I'm writing to a void here.

The next part will come out soon-ish!

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