= What they would do for a dinner =

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I'm finally updating this book and im so sorry for not updating for long but I should start updating again

Levi would get home early just to surpise you with a homecooked dinner he made
After you and him ate yall would cuddle intll you fall asleep and he would bring you to yall's bed and yeah

You bringing them dinner cause they dont want to leave their lab

Eren would end up burning your house down if anyone let me cook
He would get Armin to cook for him and says he cooked it when everyone knows he didn't

Armin would cook your favorite food and be so happy when your happy
Hes just a sweetheart all the time

Mikasa loves you and all but shes leaves the cooking up to you cause you both most likely cant cook but yall try
If yall cant make a good dinner then yall going out to eat

-Horseface aka Jean
Sasha would be in the mood to kill him cause he stole her food just to give it to you
In the end Jean is on the floor crying cause he got hit in the balls, while you give Sasha her food back

I don't even think this is good but idc

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