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Chapter Nine

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Rayne and Jarrah's journey was shockingly smooth for the next few days after the fire incident. Their bickering was much more limited than it was before, their small talk lasted a little longer, and their ease and contentment with each other increased enough to help the other with hunting for food or fixing a comfortable place for the other person after the sun went down. They weren't sure when the switch happened, but Rayne wondered if their last few talks at the lodge and after were good flags of truce for the rest of their journey. Either way, she found it much more bearable to be around him.

He even woke up early enough one morning to watch the water nymphs dance their way across the springs of flowers with her, enjoying the way they left footprints of dew on the soft petals in their wake. One of them curiously looked up at Rayne, who motioned for Jarrah to be quiet after he went to ask why she was awake, and with a jolt, she realized how human they looked, despite their tiny form. This nymph had a glaze of beautiful, dark olive skin and hair cropped short to accentuate her youthful features. Her round eyes that glowed a cyan blue, her plump, child-like cheeks, and her frosted lips that tilted into a tiny smile.

Rayne, in awe and absolutely delighted to make contact with the little creature, cupped her hands together and watched as the nymph hopped lightly onto her hands, leaving her friends momentarily. The nymph tilted her head curiously, her hand reaching out towards Rayne's face hesitantly.

"Oh," Rayne murmured, drawing her closer until she was almost cross-eyed trying to stare down at the four inch being. The nymph's hand brushed Rayne's nose as she leaned forward to press the lightest kiss against the tip.

Rayne's little heart exploded with affection and she offered her the kindest smile, completely enraptured. She never had much experience with other creatures aside from the wolves. Jarrah was her first contact with the Fae that she remembered, and she never paid attention to the forest floor before to catch any of the dancing nymphs. Usually, they all stayed to their own kind, so it would make sense if there weren't any nymphs near Moonshine at all. So, to be so close to one now, it was . . . magnificent.

When Rayne glanced up towards Jarrah, she caught his curious gaze, and smiled brightly when she noticed the bombardment of nymphs on his chest who were playing with the tips of his hair. Jarrah smiled back at her in amusement, ignoring the three water nymphs leaning snuggly against his chest as they stared up at him with fluttering lashes and sugary grins.

The smile he gave Rayne made her chest ache without reason. It was casual and pulled his perfect lips up easily, like smiling was as easy as breathing for him despite not doing it often. His teeth gleamed as white as the snowflake nymph's skin, who was busy braiding a single, small chunk of his silky hair. Something about seeing him so relaxed and in his element made him look entirely too gorgeous for his own good. Especially when his eyes sparkled to match the glitter of his smile.

Realizing they were staring at each other for a moment too long, they both looked away simultaneously. The corner of Rayne's lip fell between her teeth and she turned her attention back to the nymph who still stood in her cradled hands. The nymph had noticed the exchange and smiled at Rayne knowingly, which both confused and terrified her at the same time. She moved her lips rapidly, speaking in a language only the other water nymphs could hear as they all turned to look at her curiously with their long, blue-tipped ears twitching. Reluctantly, they climbed off of Jarrah's body and the sweet nymph gave one more pat to Rayne thumb before following suit. Not long after, they disappeared to finish dancing their way into the dawn.

The serene scene of enjoying nature was enough to relax Rayne enough to bask in the warmth of such a treat.

"I can see why you wake up early every morning," Jarrah said, interrupting the brief minute of silence between them. She glanced up at him and watched as he pinched his long braid between two of his fingers. "They're fascinating to watch."

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