Interlude Two

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"Will! Will! Can you hear me? Can you see me?" Chris waved his palm frantically in front of his bedridden friend.

It was one and a half weeks since the two got themselves booted from the storeroom in the campus' basement.

"Huh?" Will struggled to keep his heavy eyelids open.

Chris continued to check on his friend, "Do you remember me?"

"Chris? What happened...? Where are we...?" Will asked. Still dazed.

"I am so glad you are okay," Chris said, clearly feeling relief from his friend's response. "You tell me. What do you remember?"

"Err... The last thing I remember is the drinking session with the others and returning to the dorm half-drunk."

"Ya. We had a great time. That's why I thought you were only having a hangover when I woke up earlier than you the next day. I let you be and went out to get us brunch. But when I return two hours later, you are still in bed. I tried to wake you up to no avail. You were like a dead log, so I brought you over to the medical centre," Chris explained, "Man! You are out cold for one and a half weeks! I thought I would lose you for good."

"A coma?" Will sat up in the bed with Chris' help.

"I thought so too. But the doctors found nothing wrong with you, and all the tests seem to suggest that you are merely in a deep sleeping state."

"That's strange. I was like dreaming about all kinds of stuff..." Will suddenly returned to his enthusiastic self, "And you know what? I finally solved the formula that we have been working on."

"The cleaning agent formula?"

"Yeah." Will grabbed a pen and a piece of paper from the drawer beside his bed and scribbled down the formula before passing it to Chris.

Chris stared unbelievably at the paper, "Holy shit! You go into a coma and wake up with a genius solution."

"There are some other things too..." Will wanted to continue but held back after having a second thought, "I'll tell you later. Let's get out of here."

"Hold your horse, my man. First, let the doctors check if there's anything else wrong with you. Then we can decide what to do next."

And so, the two upcoming chemists go on to become the founder of a company that produces a wide range of environmental-friendly but remarkably effective cleaning products. In the next few years, the two friends became champions of green cleaning solutions and made millions.

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