Chapter 22

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Fred's POV:

" yeah so Angelina and I are just mates, what about you George? Didn't you go with some Slytherin girl?" Lee asks George as we are sat in our corner in the common room.

" yes I did, she's pretty and kind" George says smiling.

" Fred?" George asks me but my eyes aren't on them.

" mhm?" I ask looking over at y/n.

George nudges me so I put my attention back on them.

" have you spoke to her since yous kissed?" He asks intrigued.

" no" I sigh.

" oh no, is it awkward?" Lee asks also invested in this drama.

" no it's just- look at her" I say looking back to y/n.

We all watch her sitting peacefully on the couch filing her nails, minding her business.

" does she look like she's thinking about me or our kiss?" I ask sarcastically and George sniggers.

I groan out loud while I lie down on the floor hating the feeling of whatever this is called. My heart wonders where she is every second she's gone and I want her around me all the time, I'm running out of excuses to talk to her at this point.

" never did I ever expect to see him this way" Lee says.

" we should probably help him out" Lee says to George.

" yeah... Y/N!" George shouts and i bolt up.

" what are you doing?!" I whisper to George who waves y/n over.

" take a seat love" George says and I automatically scrunch up my face.

Y/n takes a seat next to me and Lee, " what's up?" She asks and it's only been a day but I've missed hearing her voice.

" Lee and I are going to try explode Filch's office, want to join?" George asks her.

Y/n looks at George like he's mental before taking some time to respond like she's gobsmacked that he even asked.

" no!" She says at once, I smirk at George as I know what he's doing. He knew fine well y/n wouldn't agree.

" oh" George says trying to act shocked.

" well Fred isn't either, so see you!" George says getting up at once, Lee by his side as they both exit the common room. Leaving y/n and I sat next to each other on the floor.

" why aren't you going with them?" Y/n asks me looking at me with curiosity.

" didn't want to ruin my reputation" I smirk at her.

She laughs, " think you're golden now, don't you? With your 25%" she teases as I smile at her.

" is someone jealous?" I say poking fun at her.

" of you? Never" She says with a sarcastic gasp.

" I understand why you revise, I like the feeling of being smart" I say fixing my posture.

Y/n gawps at me, shocked at my words.

" say that again" she says as a smile breaks through.

" no" I say smiling knowing she'll hold it against me.

" say it!" She says as she playfully pushes my chest.

" alright!... I said I understand why you revise" I say whining but I don't actually care.

She smiles at me like she's happy with my sentence, " I never thought the day would come where I'd hear you say that"

" well I never thought the day would come where I kissed you and liked it" I say and she blushes as I struggle to avoid the topic.

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