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As they arrived at the company together, Dana and Heeseung noticed a truck parked in front, unloading various items such as couches, boxes, and even a guitar and vinyl records. They exchanged curious glances, intrigued by the sight.

"It seems like these are the belongings of our new CEO," Dana remarked, her gaze fixed on the assortment of items.

Heeseung examined the guitar and records with interest. "Looks like he's a music lover," he observed.

"Intriguing," she nodded in agreement, her mind buzzing with curiosity.

"Nana bear, do you think we still have work to do?" He asked, seeking clarification from his girlfriend.

"I don't think so. CEO Park already informed me that we just need to prepare for the arrival of his son," Dana replied, offering reassurance.

He nodded, feeling relieved by the news. They entered the elevator together, but it quickly became crowded as more people entered.

Dana and Heeseung found themselves squeezed into a corner, facing each other. Taking advantage of the close proximity, he trapped her with his arms, his gaze intensifying as he stared at her.

She averted her eyes, focusing on Heeseung's chest, unaware of his intent gaze. Sensing her distraction, he whispered, "Nana bear," capturing her attention. Their eyes locked, and a moment of intense silence passed between them. Heeseung's gaze drifted to  Dana's lips, his intent clear.

"What are you looking at?" She whispered, her curiosity piqued by his intense gaze. He shifted his gaze away from her lips and smirked playfully, causing her to playfully roll her eyes.

Their moment was interrupted when the elevator reached their office floor, and Heeseung seemed reluctant to let go.

"Hee bear! What are you doing? We're here already," Dana exclaimed, removing Heeseung's arms and stepping out of the elevator. Heeseung followed her, and they made their way to the front desk.

"Are you mad at me?" Heeseung pouted, placing his index finger on his cheek.

Her heart melted at the sight, and she couldn't help but smile as she squeezed his cheeks. "Not anymore because you're cute," she said, relishing the adorable sight. He seemed to enjoy the attention, his affectionate side shining through.

Their lighthearted moment was abruptly interrupted when COO Jeong called out Kim Dana's name. They turned towards him, their faces flushed with embarrassment.

"Uhhh... Y-Yes, Sir?" Dana stuttered, bowing respectfully.

COO Jeong cleared his throat, trying to alleviate the awkwardness. Heeseung averted his gaze, feeling slightly embarrassed.

"The CEO told me that you're supposed to arrange his son's table and shelves," COO Jeong explained, glancing at Heeseung, who still had his eyes fixed on the floor. "And Mr. Heeseung, please assist Miss Kim with the task," he added.

Heeseung raised his head, bowing in acknowledgment. "Yes, Sir."

"You two can start now," COO Jeong instructed, pointing towards the scattered items in the former CEO's office.

Dana and Heeseung entered the office, ready to tackle the task at hand. Heeseung took charge of organizing the books, lifting the boxes near the shelves, while Dana focused on fixing the table, carrying the boxes of folders and papers.

As they worked diligently, arranging everything in the office, it began to take shape and looked presentable, awaiting the arrival of the new CEO. Amidst the activity and the sound of unpacking, Dana couldn't shake off her curiosity about the mysterious letter she had found earlier.

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