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I remember that day as if it was yesterday. Both together under the rain, wet and trembling, but that didn't matter to us. It was you and me vs the world. Dancing on the little rooftop of our apartment, soft music in the background coming from the radio.

It was our favourite song that was playing, the same one that was sounding the day we met. That one soft song was played in a quiet and small cafe the day our eyes first met. 

 It was already three years since that day you first talked to me. It was instant.

I fell in love with you and you with me. It's kinda like love at first sight, as they call it in the movies. A year in we moved in together. People said we were crazy, including your mother. But what's life without craziness in it?

We travel through a lot of places, places no one else knows. We went by train from here to there in search of new adventures. New places to take photos of it so we could hang them on our mural, that mural that you treasured so much.

On our second anniversary, you fell apart, lung cancer. There were no chances, they said to us in advance that they were not going to be able to save you, it was already too grown. They said something about it being from your family. According to your mother, from your father. That one that was never there for you. 

 That one day you slipped and fell into my arms, and a little and cute sneeze left your tiny red nose. Your lips formed a smile knowing that you had been discovered. It was getting really cold, probably we will be sick tomorrow. But at that moment nothing mattered. Love distracts and takes your feet from the earth. It leaves you on a soft cloud floating through space.

So much so that we forget that you weren't supposed to get out of bed, you were delicate and getting weaker. But I couldn't resist your doggy face when you asked to go outside after a few weeks of not doing it.

It was raining, but there was a small part of the terrace roofed, and so I thought we stayed there, which we did not. You took advantage of the moment when I got distracted and you took me by the hand to dance to our song and I couldn't resist the temptation.

I missed doing this kind of crazy thing with you, they were the ones that made you smile the most and I loved your smiles. 

 - Ei, we better go in, I don't want you to get worse. 

 -But the song is not over yet. Please, just a little bit more. 

 - Eii ...

- Okay, but we only go back inside if you cook me that soup that I like so much. 

 - Deal - I said as I kissed him on his little round nose. - I love you, and I promise you that another day with better weather we will go out, okay? - I said as we headed inside again.

- Sure ... - he said as we walked back to the apartment. - Do you want me to help you? 

 - No, it's okay darling, go take a hot bath. I'm going to change my clothes and make food. 

 - You're sure? 

 -Yep, now go or it will be late - I said as I placed a short kiss on his icy hand.

By the time Ei finished bathing, I had already finished the soup. We ate in bed with each other's company, as we had become customary. 

 - It's raining a lot, how lucky we got in on time. The doctor will kill me if she finds out we were in the rain.

- Well, but at least we were able to dance and hang out for a while. It was fun being outside after so long, I missed it.

- I promise that we will go out more, but with work and your latest relapses, it becomes difficult. I like it too, don't think otherwise, I enjoy dancing with you and doing the kind of crazy things that only you can think of.

- It's cute. Mom doesn't take me out of the house when she comes, she says I'll get worse, but we already know how hysterical my mom can be. - He said accompanied by a giggle, those that I liked to hear so much.

- Well, but at least she cooks you as much sweet as you want, the cake she made yesterday was exquisite, tell her on Monday, when she comes, from me that I loved it. - Another of his giggles reached my ears.

- Okey. - A small pause of silence was made between us, the only thing that could be heard was the noise of the spoon hitting the plate. - I miss cooking together, can we cook something tomorrow afternoon? Or before Katsubro comes?

- You don't know how much I'd like it, darling. We can cook those cupcakes that you like so much if you want. - The cry of emotion from the redhead was immediate, accompanied by the laughter of both. - Now you finished the soup before it gets cold and then we can go to sleep. - With a nod, I managed to understand that you also wanted to go to sleep since you were exhausted from the long day. 

 What I didn't know was that this would turn into the worst night of my life.

You woke up hectic, you couldn't breathe properly and the cough wouldn't stop. Your respirator wasn't helping and the pain relievers weren't working. I called an ambulance with shaking hands and as soon as the call ended, I did the same with your mother.

She screamed at me every unspeakable incoherence and even with my heart in my throat, I told her that the ambulance was not long in coming, to wait for us at the hospital.

She did so, by the time we got out of the ambulance she was there waiting. They took you to a room with your mother and I was waiting outside, alone and worried.In desperation, I called Kacchan, who told me that he was not long in arriving at the hospital.

Not even 15 minutes had passed when Kacchan arrived at the hospital, he was just like me. We hug each other trying to find support in the other, a shoulder on which to unload. I was scared, I didn't want to lose you, and neither did Kacchan.

An hour later your mother came out and the anxiety, which was already consuming my body, grew. My heart-rending scream reached the next hallway, you hadn't made it. Cancer had finished consuming you. I was alone.

Alone, dancing in the rain as we had done that day on the terrace of our apartment. Three years, like the ones we spent together, the difference was that now you were gone.

Three years of your death and of my lonely dances in the rain hoping to recover that old memory that did not stop spinning through my head.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 19, 2022 ⏰

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