27. Make you mine

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Susheela's pov
S: okay so i was so happy before our graduation
P: because you got into the best acting school in mumbai
S:no. I mean I was but there was a different reason too you told me you applied in Mumbai's medical College and i thought if you got in which was easy seeing your score we could go to Mumbai together live together i even started looking for places
We could have had an entire different relationship as roomates as friends or maybe even more
Pramod's mouth form and O in awe

S: don't get shocked it was obvious we both started to have some feelings which weren't friendly it was something more and i was ready to give those feelings a change because it was you!! Well I was stupid keeping up such dreams because then you came looking soo happy that you got a scholarship to London
Pramod that broke me somewhere
I didn't want to stop you it was the best opportunity for you and i wanted you to take it i didn't wanted you to regret not going afterwards

P: but Susheela that didn't mean i didn't want us

S: i know you said that you didn't want to loose me you wanted me to be yours right?
P: how do...
S: i overheard you talking at that time
But what did you do for it? Force me?!
Pramod you just had to express you feelings i already was yours
You just had to say that wait for me for 5 years and we will get back we will make this work! Be in contact!

But you did neither of those
You Forced me into something i wasn't ready for!

P: i didn't -
S: listen to me!
That night... I thought that maybe you aren't saying anything i would!! I don't clearly remember what happened after that... But then... But
P: sshh calm down

Pramod keeps a hand on her shoulder which she jerks off
S: do not touch me!!
I was foolish back then!! I didn't say no when i should have and what did you do? Leave me ? With no contact no explanation?!
P: i tried-

S: yeah you always do but you never try enough!!
I didn't expect you to be some asshole that used me and left!!
I wasn't hurt because I felt used but instead because I felt i didn't even know you! I thought you were different you understood me....

P: Susheela i didn't use you... I didn't force you
S: then why was i drugged that night!!
And in the morning i found myself next to you in just your shirt?!

P: sushi listen

Susheela holds his collar angrily
And what confused me the most was i was drugged you had me why did we not have sex then?? Isn't that what you meant by make me yours! Then why did you leave me!! Why Pramod?! That's what you always do!! Make me feel things and then leave like a coward and i don't want that!
Pramod takes her hands off his collar
P: that's enough!

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