Chapter 2

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Tohru opened her eyes slowly. The sunlight from the window shined through the blinds making the room light up with dancing lights.

Tohru got up and yawned. "Good morning mom." She said quietly.

She looked around. Wait this isn't my room...

She was confused for a moment then suddenly realized she spent the night in Yuki's room.

Oh that's right, I slept here so I can keep an eye on Yuki.

Speaking of Yuki, she thought. I hope he's doing okay.

Tohru got up from her bed on the floor and went to check on Yuki. He was still sleeping.

Tohru smiled. She touched Yuki's forehead.

His fever has gone down a bit, but that's good.

Tohru didn't move her hand away from Yuki but instead she cupped her hand on Yuki's cheek.

Please Yuki feel better..

She moved her hand away. I should go make breakfast. She started waking towards the door.

"Miss Honda..?"

Tohru's heart skipped a beat. Its Yuki.. He's awake. She turned around to see him open his eyes.

"Good morning Yuki." Tohru smiled. She walked towards him. "How are you feeling?"

Yuki sat up slowly. "Better than yesterday, thank you." His head turned to the right until he was looking at Tohru's small bed.

Tohru followed his gaze. "Oh! I slept in your room last night because Hatori asked me if I could keep an eye on you since your not feeling well... I'm sorry if you were startled of me in your room." She fretted. "I could go back to my room If you-"

"No no its fine, Miss Honda." Yuki interrupted then smiled. "I don't mind at all."

Tohru blinked. "Are you sure? I don't want to be intruding.."

Yuki laughed.

His smile is amazing.. I'm glad he's feeling a bit better.

"I actually appreciate you for caring, Miss Honda. Thank you."

Tohru couldn't help but blush. "Well you know me.."

A few moments past and Tohru snapped back into reality. "Oh no! I need to go downstairs and make breakfast! What will Shigure and Kyo say?? I need to hurry and-"

"Oh Miss Honda, no need to worry. Take all the time you need." Yuki reassured her. "I'm sure that stupid cat can manage to be patient for once."

Tohru took a deep breath. "Your right, I shouldn't be rushing. Well I'm glad your feeling better Yuki." Tohru smiled.

"Thank you." He smiled back. "I should also come downstairs too." Yuki slowly got out of bed but before his feet could touch the ground Tohru objected.

"Oh no! You need to stay in bed and rest." She demanded.

"But Miss Honda, you need help setting up the table. I should be there with you."

Zodiacs, Curses, and Tohru (A Fruits Basket fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now