Chapter 10

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For once, Tony didn’t have an answer.

“Lady Luck is right around the corner,” he told Butch.  “I can feel it.”  Except he didn’t.  He didn’t believe it and from the skepticism in Butch’s face told him that he didn’t either.  They were broke and without money, their plans and dreams of being world conquerors was at a dead stop.

Equally depressed, Butch had gone to grab a shower, leaving Tony racking his brain.  He was desperate.  He’d even take a job if needed though it was several tiers below him.  A god stuck among man.

The sound of a horn blaring nearby didn’t faze him at first.  Then as it continued he got agitated. 

“Now what?” he got up and walked to the door.  The vast array of lights flashed wildly around him as he passed through the scanner at the door.

“Tony,” the computer voice said softly, “you need to burn off four hundred extra calories today.  May I suggest a nice jog?”

“Later,” he grumbled.  He didn’t have time for that.

“Have a nice day.”

A white pickup truck was sitting at the gate.  It was a brand new Chevrolet C-2500.  On the door was a sign that read “Great Green Landscaping.”  He noticed the oval enclosed “BI” that identified the company as being part of Burroughs Industries.

Tony knew about Burroughs Industries.  Owned by one of the wealthiest women in the world, it was a growing conglomerate of local, national, and international companies worth billions.  Jessica Burroughs, the owner, wielded the kind of power he dreamed of.  More so as she owned the companies outright.  There was no board of directors to question anything she did.  He remembered her dining at the White House a few months earlier.  Something about an award for her charity work.

“Can I help you?” Tony asked as he reached the gate.  The driver got out.  Tony could see he was a clean cut man in his forties wearing a freshly pressed landscaper uniform.  “Bill” was on the name tag sewn into the shirt pocket.

“Good morning,” Bill said smiling.  “I’m here for the landscape estimate.

“What landscape estimate?”

“I have a work order to give you an estimate for weekly service of your yard.”

“You must have the wrong address.”

“Is this 21245 South Broadway?”

“Yes it is, but we didn’t request any kind of lawn care service.  We don’t have a lawn.”

“Yeah, I can see that.  Hang on just a minute.”  Bill returned to the truck.  Tony could see him talking to somebody on his phone.  After a minute, he got out and walked back to Tony.  “I’m sorry.  They gave me the wrong address.  It was supposed to be North Broadway.  That’s not even in my district.  I’m really sorry for bothering you.”

“It’s not like I was doing anything else.” Tony grumbled.  Bill started to walk back to his truck then stopped.

“Hey, do you know anyone looking to make some quick cash?”

“What, mowing lawns?”

“No.  I know somebody who is looking for somebody to take some photographs around town.  Easy job and the pay is good.  Strictly cash under the table.  He’ll even provide a top of the line camera.”

Tony thought about it for a moment.  It sounded easy.

“Sure why not.”  Tony wrote down his number and handed it to Bill.”  Have him call me.”

Perfect Victims (Formerly Kidnapped: Stolen in the Night)Where stories live. Discover now