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"Sir we've received word, the news is true"

"Quiet Voront, it doesn't need to be known or heard"

"But the girl-"

"I said quiet! Do you want to find your insides carved out and used as fresh paint?"

"No Sir"

"Not a word of this... to anyone"

"The history books may cry out but she won't"


As the darkness drew in and the screeches closer, the Crows hid underdeck, hoping to escape the Fold's horrors for a little while. Inej paused as she darted downwards, glancing worriedly at her Saint.

"This is a bad idea," Jesper sniffed as he frantically cleaned his guns.

"No shit," Iris rolled her eyes and slumped to the floor, leaning her head back on the floor, eyes closed attempting to block out the sounds of above.

"I think it's rather practical," Kaz spoke.

"What? Why?"

"I don't see how we step off this boat without you pulling those guns," Kaz grumbled as Jesper scoffed. "So, cleaning them is a good idea"

"I don't mean this. I mean this," Jesper gestured wildly with his hand to upwards.

The volcra growled in response, as if backing the boy up on his point.

We are in the worst place in the world, on a ship full of people who want us dead, surrounded by monsters who want us in their gullets"

I should have brought Milo," Jesper huffed.

"Who's Milo?" Inej questioned as Iris chuckled from her place on the floor

"The goat!" Jesper exclaimed indignatly, shocked that his friend didn't remember their furry companions name.

"How many bullets do you have?" Kaz questioned grimly.

The growling continued, racking up a storm of horror that sent lashing waves hurling at the skiff.

"Not enough"

As the storm raged on and the Crows continued to bicker, Iris shut her eyes again and imagined herself anywhere but this hell-hole. She shifted nervously, the Fold wasn't the thing that bothered her most and even the thought of Pekka wasn't on her mind. No, it was the thought that someone was watching them that set her on edge.

"So? What's our play?" Jesper called.

"We wait"

"For what?" Iris called

"For whatever the general has planned," Kaz replied.

"Zusak what are you doing on the floor?" he questioned, irritated and amused.

"Meditating Kazzle," the girl sighed.

"What did you-"

"You figured him out?" Jesper interrupted, afraid that Kaz would pick up his cane and hit Iris with it.

"Not quite," Kaz sighed as he glared at Iris. "Consider the scenario. The Sun Summoner fled from his palace, now she's tied to the deck. We're sailing for a city where another Ravkan general hired Arken to kill her. And I saw his face as he boarded. I know that look. He's a man consumed with vengeance"

Inej slipped off into the darkness and Iris turned to her other side.

"See it enough in the mirror, do you?" Jesper scoffed.

INIQUITY- kaz brekkerWhere stories live. Discover now