Valentine's Day

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A/n: I did drabble type things for mcyts since i felt the need to post something for y'all but i didn't have legit motivation to make something worthy so I just made these. It's very lazy </3 anyway happy Valentine's Day. :)

   Listening to the popcorn pop in the microwave, your eyes wondered into the living room, seeing Corpse dumping candy on the coffee table. You both decided not to go all out, both being pretty chill people and not the type to go out to celebrate. You much rather cuddle up on the couch, watching something or having the tv as a background noise as you both just said whatever came to your mind. Always comfortable and nice. Both of you not having your phones; no twitter to ruin anything. The beeping of the microwave brought you out of thought. You moved to get a bowl, dumping the hot popcorn into it. Corpse smiled at you as you walked into the living room, sitting down, folding your legs under you. You leaned on Corpse slightly after he pushed play on the remote. About half way through the movie, Corpse moved to get the big box of chocolate, laying back on your chest from where you both had moved; you laying on the couch, Corpse laying on your chest, as you played with his hair. He offered you the box, looking up at you, curls falling infront of his face. You took one with a smile, moving the curls away from his face, kissing his forehead before eating the chocolate. 

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 15, 2022 ⏰

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