On the Road Again

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The longest walk of your life was currently at hand. About 4 miles south of where you are currently, was your car. In a ditch. Totaled. No going back now!

You were barefoot. The Louisiana heat mixed with your heavy boots and thick socks wasn't a good match. All you had with you was a backpack full of clothes and some water to hold you over. You see, you were kind of on the run... back home, something very unfortunate happened.

Somehow, you got caught up in some sort of scandal. Your father wasn't a particularly good person. He gambled and drank until he was almost dead. With that type of life comes hardships. He, after a night of drunken gambling, crossed the wrong person. A man, you assumed was important, and your father played a card game, betting a LOT of money. Your father, of course, lost.

Your father wasn't able to pay it off, so he pushed it all onto you. You couldn't pay it off either. Big boss guy didn't like that so he tried to make you pay another way. You never thought in your life that you'd be caught up in this type of shit. You were just a small town girl that worked hard and did your duties, not some victim of a gambling scheme.

You'd escaped, but just barely. He had found your families residence and come to take you away. You had planned for something like this to happen so you had basic necessities packed away in a bag. You booked it out the back door of your home soon to be no more and raced away in your grandpas old Ford.

You were outta there, not even bothering to look back.

Now you are here. Walking along the scorching asphalt barefoot in Louisiana. What has life become... You pulled yourself out of your head and continued down the road, hoping a passing car would stop for you or you'd come across the gas station. Your prayers were answered in almost an instant. A truck, covered in some unknown reddish brown substance, noticed you on the side of the road.

The truck slowed to a halt next to you and you got a good peak inside. It was a scrangly man, around your age, maybe older, with a trucker hat and beat up clothes.
"Need help there, miss? Feet must be burning walking barefoot like that." He seemed kind enough. He had a pure smile on his face and a child like gleam in his eyes.
"That be nice, mind if I hop in?" You put a smile on your face to try and convince him to say yes, and he did.
"Don't mind at all! Doors kinda jammed so you'll have to yank on the door a bit..." Trying not to waste any more time, you yanked the door open in one swift move. You had to give it to yourself, you were a strong girl. Working on trucks with your grandpa and hauling around heavy metal built your strength up over the years. The man in the truck took notice of your flexed muscles.

"Strong girl, huh?" He flexed his own arms as sort of an affirmation. His muscles weren't defined, but he looked strong himself.

"Yessir, that's what happens with hard work and dedication!" You gave a sligh smile to the man snd pulled yourself into the truck. You were about to introduce yourself until the scraggly man spoke.

"I'm Lester! You can call me Lester though." What an off fellow. Funny nonetheless. You shook his hand and introduced yourself to him after.

"I'm y/n, I'm real lucky you came along. My truck broke down a little while back and I've been walking in hopes to find a gas station or something."

"I think I passed it on the way here! If it's any help, my brother has a body shop down the road a ways, I'm sure he'd be glad to help you!" You we're going to reply back when something hit you. A smell. Rotten.

You looked back behind you to try and find a smell when you noticed a carcass of what looked like a deer. Lester noticed your curiosity and wanted  to explain before you got the wrong idea.

"Don't be worried, I just pick up roadkill and dump it so it don't scuvy up them roads. Sometimes, if they're fresh enough, I take em home a eat em!" It was a little gross, but you gotta eat somehow. You nodded in understanding and turned around to watch the road in front of you. You two had passed a bridge and now drove on gravel. You were a little worried about the route but trusted Lester to take  you there safely.

"So, Y/n, what's with the bare feet? Looks like it hurts." You looked down at your feet in wonder and saw what he was talking about. The exhaustion of walking all the time must have distracted you from your feet. They were almost raw, cuts and scrapes littering the pads of your foot and bruises on the top from rocks kicking up and hitting them.

You stayed silent, maybe wearing your boots and dealing with the heat would have been better then going barefoot. Wasn't much you could do about it now, though. You shrugged it off and continued looking at the road. You both entered a small clearing and stopped infront of a bridge like rock formation, a Creek if you will.

"Everything good, Lest?" You looked at him curiously as he hopped out of the drivers seat and made his way over to the back of the truck.

"Yes ma'am! Just gotta fix somethin up before we cross them rocks." You hummed in response snd sat back down in wait. A little bit later. He got back in the truck and took a gander at you before starting the truck up. He thought you were a pretty little thing, strong and hardworking body with a kind and honest mind.

"So, why are you on the road anyways? I see that bag you got there. Road trip?" He looked back and forth between you and the road hoping for an answer. What's the harm in telling him? Not like anything will come of it. You decided to explain your situation while on the ride to his brothers Shop. "...wow. I'm real sorry you got dragged into that stuff, I hope you'll find your way in life miss."

"I hope so too..." the truck came to a stop in front of a shop, it looked like a gas station with a shop attached.

"We'll miss Y/n, I gotta get going. Gotta scout the road for dinner!" You chuckled at his remark ans waved him goodbye. His truck took off in the direction you came from and disappeared into the trees. You looked around the shop and opened the door in hopes of find this 'Bo.'

"Hello? Anybody there?" No answer. You took notice of a little bell and tapped it. A hardy ding came from the bell but there was still no response. After standing for a few seconds, you heard a song coming from the area over, it was your kind of jam so you bopped along with the music while you made your way to where the sound was coming from.

You made your way out of the shop and towards the area the music was coming from. You turned the Corner and saw a man sticking out from under a truck, seeming to be fixing it.

"Hello?" No response. He must not have heard you over the music so you repeated again. "Hellooooooo?" This seemed to get his attention. He pulled himself up, knocking his head on the bumper. He pulled himself all the way out from under the struck before lifting his head up again.

He rubbed his head a little bit before looking up at you.

"Well, didn't hear you there! What can I help you with?" He looked you in the eye for an answer.

"My truck broke down down the road, Lester gave me a ride down here. Told me you'd be able to help?"

"Lest? He gave you a ride?" You nodded in response. "I'm sure I can help. But first, I gotta know." You looked at him quizzically hoping for an explanation. He gestured down to your feet. "What the hell hapoened? Looks like you walked onto some glass?"
Ah. Your feet. Why are they always the first thing people notice...

"Me feet. Well, my truck broke down so I decided to walk. Feet got hot in my boots and so I took em off. Not the best idea." He hummed in response, laughing to himself about your situation.

"I'm sure I can help you with your truck, but I'll need to tow it here. I don't be able to do that until tomorrow, my brothers got my truck."

"Damn. Any good hotels around here?" You didn't know where you were going to stay the night so you hoped that there would be a hotel or something. The look on his face told your otherwise.

"Unfortunately not, but I have a couch you can crash on. All up to you." You thought for a moment. You decided. You grabbed your bag and followed him out of the shop. Still without shoes🙄.
I'm like in love with bo, it's not even funny. Anyways, new book y'all.

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