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"Hey Sana, have you heard the rumor?" Mina blurted out.

"What rumor?" Sana questioned back before diving back into her bowl of rice.

"There are three new prisoners coming tomorrow all of them call themselves the SMC. Three of them have known each other since they were kids. From what I heard all of them are really pretty and one of them is quite a flirt." Momo said stuffing her face back in the bowl before screaming loudly. "Can I have one more bowl please?" "This is a jail, not your palace, you dipshit." The jailer passing by spoke. A round of laughter erupted in the dining area. "Ouch. Well, Sana do you think they will be our cellmates like we are the only three who have a place left in our cells." Sana suddenly dropped her chopsticks before inching closer to her intimately "Momo, there is a reason they place no one is placed with us, they don't want them dead right?" both of them nodded intimidated by her.


It was breakfast time and everyone was in their dining room busy eating when the hall doors opened when three girls entered. They looked bored and uninterested when the jailer nudged them to introduce themselves "I am Kim Dahyun, this is Son Chaeyoung and that is our leader Chou Tzuyu." She said pointing at each of them. "Go sit wherever you want." everyone had their jaws dropped and their beauty was looking at them expectantly. The two looked at Tzuyu wanting her to choose the seats while Tzuyu was busy gawking at this girl who was so into eating her food, not even looking at the newcomers. Tzuyu pointed at the table right beside that girl and everyone looked at her like they saw a ghost.

Now you see, Sana is not the type of person who enjoys having a lot of people around her so when she felt a presence beside her so she looked up to see a tall girl "What?" Sana asked in an irritated tone "I want to sit here." Tzuyu pointed out as the other two SMC members just sat beside Mina and Momo "You can't" Tzuyu just tilted her head "Why" and with that Sana slammed the table and got up. "You don't know who I am so better not fight with me." Tzuyu just let out a small chuckle before inching closer to her "Oh yeah, What will you do?" this really annoyed Sana and she lifted her hand to punch Tzuyu but the latter unexpectedly grabbed her fist and pulled her closer to herself and whispered in her ear. "You are aggressive princess, I like it."

Sana's eyes snapped open and her heartbeat escalated, it was the first time someone had tried to flirt with her this upfront, gaining her senses back she kicked Tzuyu in the stomach and jerked her hand away from her before rolling her eyes and leaving the dining hall, followed by the other two Japanese. Everyone was amused at the scene, Dahyun and Chaeyoung came by Tzuyu's side and looked at her skeptically before questioning "You didn't fight back, What happened?" the two shorter girls shook Tzuyu who was busy daydreaming. "I think I met an angel." The other two just shook their heads before staring at the other two girls following behind Sana.

[Later that day]

Sana was in her cell just about to sleep when there was some rustling. When she opened her eyes, she saw Tzuyu standing right in front of her. "What the fuck are you doing here?" Sana said as she got up. "Well, someone has to take care of you." Tzuyu spoke as she looked at the entire cell. There were two beds and a pot filled with water. "I don't need you or anyone to take care of me, just fucking get out." Sana threatened and to this Tzuyu replied with a no. This worked up Sana. She pinned Tzuyu to the wall in an attempt to be intimidating but to Tzuyu she looked like a tiny ball of rage. Chuckling at the smaller girl Tzuyu just pushed a few strands of hair behind the ear of the smaller girl and caressed her face as brought her closer by her waist. "You look cute threatening me like that." Sana pushed her knee into Tzuyu's stomach hoping the girl would scream in pain but instead Tzuyu looked straight into her eyes. "Has anyone ever told you how pretty you are and how beautiful your eyes are?"

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