chapter 4 ~ (a name a guess.)

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Third person
As Michelle walked with the goat lady she had seen jackrabbit, her eyes lit up with excitement "JACKRABBIT! JACKRABBIT!" Michelle said running and hugging him making him make a OOF noise and looking at the little girl with a weird look
"Oh calm down it your... Fan... Fan! She loves your work and shes my favorite child! She should be yours to Zack."
The goat girl said
"Ugh, I told you not to call me by my real name during work goat." The bunny boy said with a pissed off look on his face
"Goat? My hero name is Xena." She laughed
The bunny boy put the bunny mask back on and looked at the small kid Infront of him "who's your sibling, I might know them." He said
"Z! Z Wilson! He's my big brother!" Michelle said
She realized his face went pale. Even though a mask.
And then he gave Xena a look of terror
"Z? Let me see him." He said looking back at Michelle and holding his hand out, witch she grabbed and started walking towards z.
The greenette turned around and smiled "pleasure meeting you again. Murderer." The greenette said winking at the bunny boy and looked at Michelle
"What's wrong? Is he annoying you?" He said
"No... He wanted to see you though, Oh! Can you make my favorite dinner tonight! And can we watch a movie and snuggle!" Michelle said with a huge smile on her face that looked like....
""Sureeee, since I'm the best brother everrr" the greenette playfully said hugging his sister and giving jackrabbit a death stare.
"May I talk with you." Jackrabbit said letting go of Michelle's hand
"Sure. Come on." Z said walking with jackrabbit.
The hallway was a little quiet. Witch made it easy to here they're arguing. At least some of it

"why are you even here you fuc--------"

"I'm not a ----------"
You killed the number one hero, and then left me to take care of --------"

"I didn't leave you!"

"Yea you did you pussy!"

"I left for a reason z!"

"You can't even take ------ why should I believe you, you bitch!"

Michelle heard a loud thud witch made her flinch
And she saw her brother walk out with a bloody nose
"Come on, how about I make you your favorite dinner in my dorm room since it's close, is that alright?" The greenette said letting the blood drip onto the floor
"S.. sure big brother " Michael said grabbing her brothers hand and walking with him to his room.
She turned her head to see some green haired boy with blood all over, watch them leave.

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