The team

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"Don't talk about Brian if you don't know him"! I said angry.
" If I don't know him? ha. He's supposed to be sitting where you are. A couple months ago he called me. He said 'Listen, I don't think I will be able to make it.' I asked him what he ment and he said 'there is a gang war that's happening right now. The block is under heavy fire power. Plus I think there is a hit out for me.' I said let me call my guys to come and get you. He said OK but hurry and if I'm not home wait for me. I want to take someone with me. Or some people with me.' I asked him who he said 'this kid Zeke that I've been training. He's got natural skill and I don't want him to end up on the streets or miss any more school days.' I told him OK. So my guys came to get him they saw him with a woman that was on the ground. We rushed over to him and before we got there he was shot. So we regrouped and came back." He said.
"So you guys didn't even check if he was alive? Where did his body go. Also where is my mom's body.?" I asked
"Don't worry kid, I sent them back, my guys picked up the two bodies and took them to the hospital." He said.
"So can I go see them"? I said excited.
" You see kid. There are two things I love in this world. Winning and money. That's why I wanted Brian because he can make me both. So I'm willing to make a compromise with you." He said.
"What does that have to do with me seeing them." I asked confused.
"Hes blackmailing you. If you don't play for him and win..... You won't see your mom or Brian again. Worst case.... He could tell the doctors to pull the plug" Ashely said angry.
"Ah. A smart one of you three. So what do you say kid?" He asked.
"I don't need you I can just go and check all the hospitals until I find them both!" I yelled. When I did all of the people in the restaurant looked at us. Then I say down after Ashely put her hand on my shoulder to do so. Like in que they sat back down.
"Listen kid. In this world people like me don't loose. Either your gonna play for me or your mom and Brian are dieing." He said.
Before I could answer he got a phone call and left.
"Dude I think you you should do it. I mean this is your mom your taking about here. Plus you have no home. Plus as soon as they get out of the hospital you can leave." Said Jerome.
"He's right, you have a chance to make things better for yourself. Take it." Ashely replied.
"OK tell me your answer now because I'm about to pull the plug on both of them. They're costing me to much money and I'm getting nothing out of it." He said.
"Let's make I deal" I said smiling.
"See now your being reasonable. OK kiddo what's the deal." He said
"1. I'm in charge of the team.
2. I need to see them to make sure they are alive.
3. I get paid 500$ for every game we win."
I said.
"Haha, your in no place to negotiate. I have the winning hand. If I want to I can pull the plug." He said
When I head that I got nervous but if you looked at me I you would think I'm calm and ready, then I was OK again when he said
"I like you kid. So we have a deal." He said. "Now let's go meet the team."
"We all got in the car. The car ride was very quite just stares. Mostly at him. When we arrived someone was there is to meet us while he left. I told no one but I was pretty excited to be in charge of my own team. The team had 4 players besides me. There was one Asian kid. He was the shooting type. There was this tall white kid. I figured him as the center. He looked about highschool age. I guess he would be about 6 feet 4". The next was a a tall built black kid. He was going to be the power house. His drive was full force and speed. When he jumped he soared. It was amazing. He jumped he went up and when he came crashing down he almost took the hoop with him. Then there was this girl. She was she looked so good like wow. She looked about 5 even. 
"Wow Zeke, pay attention stop focusing on the water girl." Said Jerome
"Huh, she's the water girl"? I asked
"With jugs like that" he howled.
I gave him a dirty look and Ashely punched him in the arm.
Apparently the laughter echo's in the gym because they heard us and just looked at us. No one moved. Ashely smiled and started walking towards them. We just followed her lead since we had nothing better to do. As she approached them the big buff kid smiled and started telling towards her. Jerome saw this and stated walking faster.
"My name is James, what's yours?" James asked.
"Her name is mydb." Jerome said.
"Her name is what" James asked
"Mind Yo Damn Business." Jerome answered.
"Alright dog. Must have been a mistake because I thought I was directing the question to the lady." Said James walking up to Jerome.
"And I was doing the gentlemen thing and helping the lady word off pests." Answered Jerome
"Hey you two calm down." I said.
"This is no kids play. Just shut up and let the grown up do the talking." James said.
"Hey, both of you calm down" said Ashely. When she said that they both did.
James said nothing else. He just grabbed the ball and palmed it.
Jerome took ball. I got set in my point guard position. I checked with the Asian kid. I wanted yo test him so u faked it to the left. He stayed absolutely still. Like he could read my mind. He moved to the right almost stealing the ball if I hadn't have crossed it over. I drove in and he followed. I pumped and he leaped. When he did I passes it to Ashely who had the high school boy on her. As I got open I just watch as the boy smiled and went to steal but she put it between her legs and he almost fell. He tried again age pulnit between his legs jumped and shot. Swish. Just like always nothing but net for her. His mouth dropped and she stuck her hand out to help him up. 2-0 us. Jerome checked James the ball. James tried to dribble past Jerome but he couldn't. So he bodied him to get basket. Did a cross over and made the lay up. I checked and I played with the Asian kid a little. I drove he stood strong I tornado him he got confused he drove to the basketball and I just stood there waiting for him to cone back. When he did I shot a three and swished. 5-2 us. James passed it to the Asian kid. Now this kid just wow. I thought I was messing with him. His handlings are boss. He did moves I never thought possible. He dropped back when he did Ashely helped me to get him and he still swished a three on us. 5-5.... Each team game point. I called a time out.
"These guys are good" said Ashely.
"Nah, they're OK I guess but not that good." Said Jerome.
"what do you have against James "? She asked.
" nothing in just—" Jerome was saying.
"Hey break it up OK. Next point shot wins." I said. I looked at the and smiled. They hesitated and then agreed. I checked with the Asian kid and then went back to half court. "Elimination" I yelled then crossed the Asian kid. I did a no look pass to Jerome who caught it. He jumped over the Asian kid looked as it he was about to dunk and James was up there with him he smile spun and passed it to Ashely. Who jumped as of going up for a layup and then passed it to me who jumped the height of the tall white kid passed it to Jerome who Jupiter so high his chest was above the hoop then came crashing down and when he landed he roared.
*clap, clap clap clap clap clap clap clap clap clap......
As we look it was Mr. Carter. He watched us the whole practice. When it was over I went into his office and we talked.
"Look we don't have enough player to build a successful team." I said
"Yes we do it cost money to make a team and what if the team looses. Then so do I." He answered back.
"What if we dobt pay them. What if we five them  a place to stay with running water food electricity etc." I asked.
" what are you trying to say kid. " he asked.
"A home. Where we all live and work together. Plus all you have to do is buy the house and pay the rent. Put all the necessities in the house then we will take care of the rest." I replyed.
"OK kid where in Manhattan are we going to look." He asked.
I smiled and as I walked out. I stopped and said. " not just the Manhattan. We going around the the state.....

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⏰ Last updated: May 19, 2015 ⏰

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