1. Kick His butt, or Should I?

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This story is dedicated to jennyho, my FIRST REAL FAN!! hope you like it. it's my first time attempting to write!!



I'm going to fast to hear anymore.

Come on. A couple more yards...

A pass all the defenders, one by one. Soon, I'm face to face with...the goalie. She's like, what everybody wants to be. Famouse, rich, but most importantly, TALENTED. I narrow my eyes, determined to get this goal.

Its now or never...

The crowd goes nuts. When i say nuts, It could be good or bad. this nuts, I'm afraid, was mixed.

i know what your thinking. but i dont like my nuts split right down the middle (guys) and but I only like peanuts...NOT mixed with other kind of nuts!!!! (girls) but this was the crowd. Some were screaming bad things. " You son of a BEEP!!!!" and "Oh, no you didn't!!"  the other half was in heaven. Why woudn't they be? I just scored the most famouse goal in the world!!!

"We won the world cup!!!" my teamates cheered. They lifted me up. Before I can take in all the hapiness, my alarm clock just so conviently went off.



I sat up, only to find my head hitting something hard. "Ow!! What the heck..."

"Got ya. Got ya. I got Nicole!" sings my little brither, Gordan as i see what i slammed into...Gordan's head.

"Gordan, why don't you just go eat a cookie?"  One of the many wierd things about Gordan is that he is an addict. I know what your thinking,"a 9 year old can be a drug addict?" but no. He's not a drug addict. he is simply a....

Cookie Addict

Every freaking single day, Gordan pretty much has about....hmmm, let me think. about A BOX A DAY. For older people, i guess that won't be much. But for a nine year old who hasn't even gone through puberty? Now, thats just wrong.

"Yay! Cookies!. You know, mom just won't let me get those new Oreo cookies that have green icing in the inside. It's like she HATES green! Come to think about it, she probably hates all colors..." And while my brother talks nonstop about things that I dont care about, I start pushing him out of the room, and closing my door. I got more important things to worry about.

I get dressed in some soccer shorts, a Sand Soccer t-shirt i got in Ocean City, Maryland with a Brazil Worls Cup sweatshirt. as you can tell, you probably figured out that i dress comfortably, unlike some people...

"Nicole!!! Are you goin to come down stairs or just stay up in your room all day?" yells my older brother, Zach, who thinks he can boss me around, just because he is exactly 3 minutes and 23 seconds older then me. " What makes you think your the boss of me?" I yell back, trying to make him annoyed.

" I am 3 minutes and-"

"23 seconds older then me." i finish off his sentence. I take a look at my clock and it says 7:00. Well, i have to be at school by 7:30 so... I HAVE THIRTY MINUTES TO GET MY THINGS READY!!

I quickly look through my closet until...Yes! i found my cleats. Green F50's to be exact. I keep all my soccer things in tip-top shape. I grab my shin gaurds, also green, and stuff it into a draw string bag.

Zach opens my door and steps into my room. "Come on. For once, just listen to your older brother, okay?" He walks back out and closes my door

" i know your obviusly older then me. You never let me forget it!" I mumble quietly.

Zach opens the door so only his head is showing." That's what I'm here for, babe." he winks and is about to close the door, but I grab it first.

"What makes you think you can call me "babe" and get away with it?" Zach sees where this is going and tries to break out of my grip, but I'm stronger then him. I know, I'm younger but I'm stronger. If you ask me, I would be pretty embarassed if I was Zach.

"Please, Nicole! what are you going to do, bite my finger?" I smile devilishly. " Oh, I can do more then that. Gordan! You might want to get this on tape!"

In one swift motion, I lick my finger, and put it in his ear.

Zach starts squeeling like a little girl. " Get it out of my ear! Get it out!!"

I take my pinkie out of his ear and look over to my door. Gordan is there, laughing so hard he has tears coming out of his eyes. I start to smile as I see he had the camera rolling when Zach was squeeling.

Zach glares at me, then walks out of my room, as I follow. It's now 7:05.  I take out some waffles from the freezer and put them in the toaster. I look into the pantry to try to find some oreos


i find a box of Oreos. As I open the top, there is nothing in it except crumbs.

That little boy is going down...

kick his butt, or should i?Where stories live. Discover now