Through the Mori Glass (Unus Annus Self-Insert)

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Brooks sighed as Ollie set up candles in front of the bathroom mirror. Brooks's stomach churned uncomfortably as they watched their friend clap excitedly. "It's all coming together! Okay, get in here so we can start."

With a frown, Brooks stayed in place. "I really don't think this is such a good idea, Ol. I've let you drag me into doing a lot of dumb things, but I'm putting my foot down with this. Why can't we just play Uno?"

Ollie rolled his eyes and dragged Brooks into the restroom by their arm, emitting a yelp from the shorter friend. He locked the door behind him and turned to reply, "Brooks, I won't sugarcoat it; you're a pussy. You need someone to push you over the edge, to make you realize your full potential. And I'm just the person to do it," He said with a wink.

Turning off the lights and looking into the mirror, both teens began the 'chant' Brooks had criticized just moments earlier. "If you're going to trick the internet into believing a myth, at least try to make it realistic," They'd said when they first found it. As they made the awkward noises, Brooks rolled their eyes at their reflection. 'We're literally just saying ooh in our best Ethan impressions.'

After repeating the noise three times, they watched the mirror expectantly. They instead got a minute of silence. Brooks turned to Ollie with raised eyebrows, gesturing to the mirror. "See? The internet lies. Now can we please go-"

The two were suddenly sucked into the mirror, falling out the other side in a backward version of the restroom. 

Ollie jumped up, staring back at the mirror in confusion. He inspected it, resting a hand against the surface. As his hand fazed through the glass, he cheered excitedly.

"It worked! I'm a genius! You know, you should start trusting my instincts more often."

Brooks grunted as they stood up, stretching their back with a wince. "Yeah, well, your instinct also got us to go to that festival where there wasn't any water, and no one could get out for hours that one time, so I'd say your instincts aren't always reliable."

Ollie shrugged and looked around, hands on his hips. "Okay, let's explore!"

As their eyes widened, Brooks shook their head, "No, we're going back through that mirror and going back home. We don't know what this place is, how we got here, or if it's even safe outside this room!"

With an eye roll, Ollie replied, "We got here with my totally legit chant. It's like a...reverse version of...our world, I guess? And, if it's like our world, it'll be totally normal outside." He gave a self-assured smile before dragging his best friend out the door and through the backward version of their halls.

Brooks scrunched their nose up, "Your logic is amazing." They commented in a sarcastic voice.


this was for my friend, and i feel very bad i didn't finish it, i promise i will some time 🙏🙏


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