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Hello, everyone!

Against my better judgment, I've decided to publish this one after a lot of struggle. But for that to work, we need to establish a few things first:

➡ Content rating: 18+. Which means we're gonna see inappropriate language, violence and detailed description of torture methods. If at any point you feel uncomfortable, I strongly advise you to stop reading it! Also, I'm adding a "Smut warning" because the characters are pretty explicit, it's part of the story, not sorry for that!

➡ This is a work of fiction and any resemblance to real people and/or events is purely coincidental. As well, none of the illicit acts should eventually be used as a stimulus to their practice in real life.

➡ I'm using OhmFluke's images here only as a referential. I'm not assuming absolutely anything about their behavior or personality. Again, this is only fiction! It's like they're playing a new series, but written by me -- I might be internally screaming because of that comparison!!

That's all! I hope you enjoy the reading! Please let me know your thoughts and theories as the story flows! See you!~ 😉

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