
151 9 1

ace of hearts



One of the many partygoers shook their heads. Nicolas sighed, thanked them despite their lack helping, and continued to make his way through the crowd that had flooded the Gryffindor Common Room. The Valentine's Day party, set up by Marlene, Max and Lily to cover up how they wanted to celebrate Loki's birthday, had gathered students from every house. Most were older, but a few younger students had also managed to join, though Nicolas didn't question them. And, even though he could find anyone else, the one person he wanted to see wasn't anywhere to be found.

Eventually, Nicolas gave up his search and returned to the table laid out with food. He grabbed one of the cups and poured himself some Butterbeer. What better way to drown out his disappointment, Nicolas supposed. It was weird how he'd been playing exploding snap with the boy less than an hour ago, all for him to disappear.

Nicolas was ready to finally tell James. He needed to get it out in the open, and he frankly didn't care about Lily and James' newfound relationship. Or perhaps that lack of thought was a contribution to his slightly intoxicated state. Someone had slipped something into the drinks, which the boy had been drinking all night. And there was no Loki around now to stop him, as she disappeared a while ago.

Nicolas held the cup close to his chin, his free hand gripping the front of his shirt. He wanted to tell James so bad, admit that he wanted James to be more than a friend. That Nicolas wished to have the kind of relationship Loki had with Remus and Sirius. Nicolas wanted to tell James that he'd broken up with Lydia because his feelings of love had shifted elsewhere, that his dreams of being with someone now involved James, waking up beside him, holding hands with him. Nicolas gripped his cup a little tighter, squashing it a little.

Then he heard the laughter. The familiar laughter of the familiar boy as his familiar steps came closer to where Nicolas stood. He was agreeing with a group of boys, walking away from whatever conversation they'd been having with a grin on his face. James' brown eyes flicked away from them, and they connected with Nicolas'. James' face fell, and his eyebrows furrowed.

"Nic? What's wrong?" James queried.

And James' concern made all control Nicolas had snap into two. The Hufflepuff all but slammed the cup on the table before he moved forward with a swift motion, then grabbed James' shirt collar. There was no time to think as Nicolas slammed his mouth onto James', not caring anymore about who saw because he'd held out long enough. The kiss couldn't have lasted longer than five seconds, but eternity seemed to pass for the Hufflepuff boy. Nicolas finally pulled away, breathing hard as he searched James's eyes. For disgust, perhaps, or some sort of sign that James felt some kind of way toward him, too. But he couldn't decipher the thoughts swirling behind James' eyes, couldn't tell what was running through the Gryffindor's head.

Nicolas dropped his hands from James' collar. "If that didn't make it obvious enough, James Potter, then here. I'm in love with you. I'm madly in love with you and I don't even know why. Truthfully, I may be a little drunk, but I've been waiting for ages to say something. And-- ah, Merlin -- you love Lily, I know, but I had to tell you before I regret not saying anything"

Nicolas stood there, waiting for some sort of response, but James didn't give one. He was silent as his eyes blankly stared into Nicolas'. Nicolas sighed, nodding understandingly, though there was nothing for him to understand. He sniffed, turned and picked up his drink, then began to walk past.

Nicolas downed his drink in one vicious gulp and leant to James's ear. He gave James a gentle pat on the shoulder. "At least tonight's one I won't forget. Thanks, mate."


at long last, the nimes fic you have all been waiting for is going to be coming soon. I'm so sorry for keeping you waiting for so long, but i really hope you enjoy what will be coming in the future.

thank you for clicking, and for being the motivation to keep me writing. i adore you all, and i will see you later. bye! :)

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