Jaymurder and OctoGG Ship Answers

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1. Answer: Both are Night Owls

2. Answer: Jay is the Big Spoon making GG the Little Spoon

3. Answer: Neither of them hogs the cover. Jay is more of the guy who would cuddle GG more because he tired ALL the time.

4. Answer: Both. GG does it more though.

5. Answer: Neither.

6. Answer: Jay has them at night but more of day. As for GG he gets them at night.

7. Answer: Neither.

8. Answer: Both sleep in thier pajamas.

9. Answer: Both drink coffee. GG drinks two a day. Jay drinks like ten a day.

10. Answer: GG is more of the Sweet. Jay is the Sour.

11. Answer: Jay is into horror and GG likes romance.

12. Answer: Jay is 7ft while GG is 5'6 or 5'8

13. Answer: GG a little bit.

14. Answer: Jay. It also gets GG annoyed because he like spiders.

15. Answer: Neither

16. Answer: Neither

17. Answer: Jay works.

18. Answer: GG is a cat. Jay is Both.

19. Answer: Both.

20. Answer: Jay more of a Dom but the two fight for it but Jay mostly is better at it.

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