Chapter 1

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When I got my power, I had to be very careful about when and how I used it. Abuela was very clear that i couldn't change anything from the past and if i traveled into the future i couldn't share monumental things that happened. I was stuck by these rules whenever I traveled, i also worked very hard to focus on the exact place and time so I didn't go to the wrong place or accidentally get stuck there.

Tonight is Antonio's gift ceremony and I was super excited. A few days ago I went into the future and saw what his gift was. I can't wait to see the look on his face when he gets it.

I knock on the door of the nursery because Mamá is flipping out because no one can find Antonio.

There isn't an answer but I went in anyway. I heard little wishers from underneath Mirabel's bed. I get down on all fours and lift up the comforter to see Antonio and Mirabel looking back at me.

"Hey Sara, any advice for little Antonio here?" Mirabel winks at me, we did the same thing before I got my gift.

"Anything Miabel told you you should believe, you know why?" I ask as I tap his little nose with my finger.

"Why?" he giggles

"because she is the smartest person in this whole family." I smiled at him, "Plus, don't tell Abuela, but I've been to the future, and you get the coolest gift ever!"

"Really?!" Antonio exclaims.

"Totally, but you didn't hear that from me. Neither did you Dolores." I smirk at him knowing my sister could probably hear us. Then the floor moved the ringing clock closer to us.

I get up and leave to give the two of them a moment alone before they are no longer roommates. I make my way down stairs to where my parents and siblings are and Miabel brings down Antonio.

We tell him good luck and that he will make us proud and then head out through the curtains to our spots in the audience. My parents go upstairs beside the door and Abuela while my siblings and I stand with the rest of the family. Antonio whispers over to Mirabel who we can't see but I know is behind the curtain. Then she walks out, grabs his hand and they walk to the door together. He touches the candle and grabs the doorknob, then a bird flies onto his arm and he can understand what it is saying.

Abuela exclaimed, "We have a new gift!" and the party started.

We took a family photo in his room and then we all danced, until Mirabel came in screaming about cracks and how the magic was breaking. We all followed her out but there wasn't anything there. i know Mirabel and i know she wouldn't do anything to ruin Antonio's night, so she must have been telling the truth. Either way I was dead set on finding out.

She went to the kitchen with Tía Julieta so I decided to give them alone time and go back to the party. I could talk to Maribel later, tonight was my brother's night and that's all I was going to focus on.

The party finally ends and just as I start to go to bed I hear someone walking outside my room. I'm not really that tired so I get up to go see who it is and it's Mirabel. I catch her just before she goes into her room and she tells me that we are gonna save the miracle.

"ok... how are we gonna do that?" i ask

"Find out what's causing it to break, I guess."

"ok and how do we do that?"

"umm... I don't know?"

"ok think, who might know something?"


"Yes! She hears everything about everything! ok so you talk to her and we'll regroup before dinner because i already know Abuela is gonna make me do a bunch of time traveling chores."

"ok i'll see you later"

"see ya" i say

We see each other later at breakfast but don't talk because immediately after she runs after Luisa so i figured she had a lead. 

I do chores in the town and a little time traveling but not much. i was about to go into her room when i heard my parents fighting about Bruno in there and i didnt want to interrupt so i just went to my room until dinner.

At dinner i sat in between Camilo and my Pá, i noticed that Mirabel and Dolores weren't breaking eye contact but i didn't think much of it until Dolores whispered something to Camilo and she shifted to Mirabel then to Bruno of all people and then back to himself, except his face was weird. he fixed his face and whispered to me, "Mirabel found Bruno's vision" i was taking a bite of food and i choked on it as he told me. I know i probably shouldn't have but i didn't think that the vision and the breaking miracle were connected so i told my Papá who spit out all his water onto Mariano. Then he tells Mamá who's jaw drops as a cloud forms over her head, then she tells Tía Julieta.

**you know the rest of the scene - it's comedic gold and i didn't change anything**

As the family disperses and the Guzmans run away, I'm really worried about the fate of the magic and the family so I decide to travel to the future to see how it all works out. I might be able to learn how to fix it there too.

So that's what i do, i relax, and try to travel to the future, but because the magic is breaking my power is on the fritz. I did my best to travel anytime in the future.

I woke up the next day in my room on my bed. My door was dark so I figured my magic had broken since I wasn't in the future either.

I go out into the hallway and realize that all the other doors are glowing like normal, and that the candle isn't flickering as much as it did the night before, weird?

Either way i go downstairs because i'm really hungry from trying to time travel, that usually takes a lot out of me. I noticed some small changes to the house and looked outside and thought it's around one o'clock. dang i slept in late, usually we have had a lecture by now from Abuela and i definitely would have been woken up for that given what happened last night. That's when I noticed something, there are 13 chairs around the table instead of 11, and 13 plates with every member of the family's name on it. That's when I realized I had traveled into the future.

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