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Gerard Way~17, senior
Birthday- April 9
Frank Iero~16*, senior
Birthday- October 31
Ray Toro~ 17, senior
Birthday- July 15
Mikey Way~ 14, sophomore
Birthday- September 10
Patrick Stump- 17, senior
Birthday- April 27
Pete Wentz- 15, sophomore
Birthday- June 5
Billie Joe Armstrong- 17, Senior
Birthday- February 17
Brendon Urie- 17, senior
Birthday- April 12
Hayley Williams- 14, sophomore
Birthday- December 27
Andy Biersack- 19 (He got held back), senior
Birthday- December 26

So this was just to let you guys know who the main characters are in this story.
*The reason why Frank, Hayley, and Mikey's ages are not equivalent to their grade is because of their late birthdays. Once their birthdays pass, their ages will be "back to normal", so to speak. Dont worry, I calculated the math and stuff.

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