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Tony sighed as he walked out the door. He glanced at a long shopping list that seemed to go on forever. Didn't they already have this stuff at the house? He continued on for what seemed like miles before he got to the grocery store. He saw a glowing sign that spelled out "Groc-er-ee".

"Does anyone in this town know how to spell?" Tony thought as he walked slowly into the grocery store. He eyed the list. "Oats, milk, eggs, kid's cereal, oranges...."  The list went on. He searched for the first item, oats. He walked into an aisle and found a box that said 'oats!' stamped in red on the front. He lazily grasped the box and dropped it into the shopping bag. 

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ "Hurry up, guys!" Sketchbook cried as they mixed frosting in a bowl. 

"We're trying, Sketchbook," Red Guy said as he put the cake batter in the oven. "Besides, Tony won't be coming back soon. I gave him an enormous shopping list." Sketchbook furiously mixed the frosting. They taste tested and added more sugar every taste. Finally! It was the perfect frosting that made your mind melt and your taste buds explode. He would love it. They set the frosting on the counter and waited for the cake to be done.


"Orange juice? Isn't the yellow kid allergic to that?" Tony absentmindedly said as he picked up a green carton of the juice. He read the list. "Peanut butter..." He went to another aisle and found a jar of chunky peanut butter. He put it in the bag and took a breath. 


Ding!  went the oven. Sketchbook raced to the oven and took out a lopsided chocolate cake. "It's...PERFECT!" They exclaimed. They grabbed the icing andslathered it on lazily. The frosting melted into a creamy mess. They grasped at the sprinkles and took handful after handful, then piped a lazy "Haappy burthday"  onto the cake. They put the cake on the table. 
"THE PLAN IS A GO, PEOPLE!" They yelled excitedly. They snapped a party hat on all three of the puppet's heads, and gave one to shrignold. They all hid and waited for that door to open.


Tony grabbed the bag of groceries from the cashier and payed the pounds he owed. He paced to the house, wondering if anyone even remembered his birthday. He opened the door, and immediantly sat down on the big chair. SURPRISE!! Sketchbook, shrignold, and the puppet trio jumped out from behind their hiding spots. Sketchbook ran to Tony and lead him to the mess of a cake. Tony smiled wide and hugged sketchbook tight. This day wasn't so bad at all.

A birthday well spent {COMPLETED}Where stories live. Discover now