Normal day

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I was getting on with my day, when I saw a notification from Tubbo. It said that he'd be streaming later today. With the other members of the cricket crew, Ranboo was going to leave soon, so I think Tubbo decided to stream before Ranboo leaves.

I was excited! I can't wait to join the stream and watch them! I love seeing the weird and wonderful things they do.

I was making myself food so I can watch the stream, I didn't feel like watching it inside and I had to watch my little brother who, my parents decided to drop him off at my place because they wanted to go out. But, to be honest, I didn't mind that they dropped him off here. I haven't seen him for a few months, so I don't blame them. As I was minding my own business, my little brother went into the kitchen to find me and he knew that I like to watch the cricket crew and so he said 

"They gonna meet up again?" 

I knew he would figure it out so I replied

"Yes, but, I'm going to watch it outside with you. So I don't miss the stream and so I can watch you, because he's mischievous, and I didn't want anything bad to happen to you."

He just looked at me and plainly said

"you need help" 

and then walked out of the room.

And he was correct. I, indeed, do need help. I watch every stream of them. I don't mean it in a creepy way, they can be calm sometimes, so I like to fall asleep listening to them speaking. My opinion of who's voice calms me the most is either Ranboo's or Aimsey's. They seem like the two most calmest people their. The others are just chaotic, but that's my opinion.

Sorry for the short story, I'll try make the next one longer. Eat and drink if you haven't, and if you need someone to talk to, you can talk to me. <33

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