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A few days later

It was a slow day. Ekko hasn't been back in a while and that's making me worried. No new people have come and no one is hurt here.

So I decided to go into the streets and see who all I can help. Unfortunately, it is very hard to heal people addicted to shimmer cause of how many chemical bonds there are in it. I found that out the hard way.

Now I am walking around with my hood on. When I passed a beggar he was holding his hands out pleading for something.

My eyes turned green to see if he had any shimmer in his system. He did sadly. So I sigh and walk away.
I will help these people if it is the last thing I do.I said in my mind.

There was no one to heal that didn't have shimmer in their system so I went home. When I got there I see Ekko.

"Hey!" I go to hug him." What information you got."

"They are currently tied up in the back. I don't think they are working for Silco."

"I keep hearing the word "they" who's they?"

" Vi was also with a enforcer."

I look at him with wide eyes. "You brought a enforcer here! Do you realize what will happen if they find out this is here? How many people will get hurt?"

I yell at him. He looks down for a minute then says" They are both blind folded and cuffed and where asleep when we got here. I have to show you something."

He pulls me into a empty room and opened a his "satchel" but I call it a man purse.

As he opens it I see a little orb fly to me. I stop it with my hand before it hits me in the head. I open my hand and see the hextech clinging on to me like a magnet.

"It has never done that before." He takes it and puts it back.

"I think we need a little reunion with Vi." I said snapping my thoughts to Vi.

We walk out to where the people were. I turn to one of the boys. " Take the pink haired girl into a different room leave the enforcer there for now."

The boy nods and leaves."We should put the our mask on to see how she response."

I do as he says we both also put out hoods on and we go into the room. Vi was still bagged still so me and Ekko go into the shadows that are across from her. Ekko sits but I stand in the dark corner.

The body guard removes the bag and looks at us for permission to leave we both nod and soon he walks out.

Vi looks at us.

"You shy or just ugly."

I had to hold back a laugh so I wouldn't blow my cover

God I missed her.

Ekko stands up and takes his mask and hood off.

Vi's eyes widened "You look good for a dead girl." Ekko holding eye contact.


At that point I completely blacked out and started to day dream and focas on Vi's appearance.

I could see her muscles though her jacket and tattoos on her neck as I moved a little to see.

Damn she's hot.

I see Vi hug Ekko. I moved to them.

"Who's this?" She looked at me.

I take off my mask and hood showing my white hair and face."I've missed you so much my love"

I wrap my arms around her neck and give her the biggest hug I think possible.

"Jade!"I could sense her smile as she said their names. She wrapped her arms around my waist.

She pulls away and grabs onto my cheeks and stairs into my eyes unil our foreheads hit eachother."Not a day went by where I ever stopped loving you."

Our lips finally meet and with our lips together the world and our problems drift away. As we started kissing we completely forgot that Ekko was there." Sorry to interrupt but what do we do with little Miss enforcer in the other room?"

Vi pushes our lips away. "We have to take her back with whatever that gem is."

"What!" Me and Ekko said in unison shocked that she actually trusts a enforcer.

"No you don't understand she will tell topside about this place and enforcers will rade the place. So she doesn't leave yet."

Vi looked at me. "Since when did you become so responsible and where is here?"

"Since Benzo died and you disappearing so I didn't have time to have fun with anyone that I didn't have to take care of."

"Hurtful but sadly true." Ekko sighed and mopped out of the room.

" And as for where we are." I grabbed her hand and walked outside. I could see Vi's eyes widen at the sight.

"Wow." She breathed out.

"Welcome to our safe space. Where there is no violence or shimmer. We found it after Silco carelessly flooded the streets with shimmer causing more violence. Especially for the kids." I said walking into the sunlight.

The kids come running to me. I get bombarded by huges, laughter and questions. "Where have you been? We want to play with you."

"Not today kids I have leader and adult stuff to do."

"Aww." They all said and let go of me and walked away. I soon see them playing tag.

I turn around and see that Vi and Ekko are no longer there. I walk and soon see them talking at the wall of the fallen.

"We have to let the enforcer go." Ekko turned to me.

"The sooner she is out of this place the better and the less enforcers come down here."

We go into the room where she is still bagged and handcuffed. I take the blindfold off and see a child in the door way with a bowl of water. I motion for him to come inside. He walks in and places the bowl in front of her feet. She looked at it but soon kicked it away scaring the boy. It also seemed like he was sad too.

That made be mad. I see the boy walk away without a sound. "Let Vi go I brought her here. It's me you want."

Vi comes into her view." My hero."

"I thought they where hurting you!"

"You got lucky. The only thing your getting is a one way ticket to topside. Let's go." Ekko said

And Vi goes up to take off the cuffs as we walked outside.

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