Rant 1: Your Crush and You

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Alright so due to popular demand by my fans when asked whether or not this would make a good thing to post on wattpad. This is the story, or should I say rant that I am now writing. I want to give tips and advice on how the opposite sexes feel about each other. I also am hoping to get some funny and disastrous first date stories posted. And some guest rants from guys and gals! Hope you all can entertain me and play along, and enjoy this little essay in the process! if you think I get anything wrong tell me and I will consider it! Thanks guys!


   Rant 1: Your Crush and You.

        Okay girls so we have all I'm sure been in this situation. You like a guy, he's totally within your league, single, outgoing, you talk sometimes in the hall at school or work, he smiles at you and you smile back. He knows your single but he won't ask you out! And it leaves you wondering 'Is it me or him?' Well I honestly have no idea what goes on in a guys mind. I have this theory that you could walk up to a guy, say I really like you ask me out. And he would still blubber like an idiot while doing it! 

   Lets face it ladies, and I am going to be frank here. Guys have no balls anymore! The guys they show in movies that are all suave and confident around girls, Do. Not. Exist! Period end of story! And if they do! I haven't met one! I would like to trust me! I don't think that there are any quote 'players' that live in my town!

    I have spent the last few months doing a secret experiment, not really official or anything, just observing. I am not in any way trying to brag about myself, but I am an attractive person. I'm not a Victoria's Secret model or anything. But I am tall and thin, my face won't break a mirror. You know the type, the kind any guy would be happy with. And even though I am only 16 everyone thinks I am more like 20, but yet I have never been approached by any man, in an attempt for them to flirt with me and land a date. I have been told that guys check me out alot. So then what's the problem? If I am so attractive, why doesn't anyone come up and talk to me?

     I don't know the answers to these questions, I would love for a guy to enlighten me on this topic. And we girls have it worse! A guy may say its hard to ask a girl out, but yet if a girl asks a guy out she is thought of as easy. What are we to do then? Rely on in school and work rumors as to who likes us and who doesn't? And then if we find out someone likes us, what do we do then? Send secret messages out hoping that your crush receives one of them? Honestly, I am a very outgoing and confident person. I want my guy to want to fight for me, to be more stubborn than I am, to not put up with any of my crap. I want a man who isn't afraid to tell me what to do, but who will listen to my side of it and always be there. But thats just me.

So... what did you guys think?! I really hope for some feedback on this! Oh and if any of you want to do a guest rant that is fine by me! Just let me know and we can work something out! And guys dont think I am just dogging on you all! I will get to some things that bother me about girls in a little while, I am just majorly annoyed at members of the opposite sex right now!


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