Flyers at Breakfast

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A rude interruption and something new.

After about half an hour of commotion, Umbridge eventually swallowed her pride and approached the protestors to hear their demands.

“We’re staying right here,” Sophie proclaimed, the blonde Slytherin boy at her side. “This isn’t a brief demonstration, it’s a sit-in. We’re staying here until the decree is shoved right where it deserves: up your-”

“In the bin.” The Slytherin interjected hastily.

“We won’t starve,” Sophie continued. “The house elves stand with us. The only person starving is you.”

There was a moment of silence as the two women glared at each other, then Umbridge took a step forwards.

“This is preposterous,” She said, her voice dangerously quiet. “Poor, misguided children. I’m trying to help you. It’s for your own good, don’t you see? Your parents thanked me, the Ministry thanked me; I am taking bold steps for the future of the wizarding community that those who came before me didn’t have the guts to take. But you’re just children, you don’t understand. You should let the adults entrusted in taking care of you do their job.” She took a step closer until Sophie could feel her breath on her cheeks. “I can’t expel the whole school, but I can make you wish I had.”

Sophie blinked, her expression unsure, but she held her ground. “Our demands?” She questioned.

“I’m suspending the decree temporarily for a re-write, due to some elements being unclear.” Umbridge said shortly. She span on her heel and marched out of the Great Hall.

“Well?” Came a shout from the back of the room, all eyes on the two students. “Did we do it?”

“Well, I’m not really sure…”

“Is the decree gone? Can I kiss boys now?”

“You’re not even gay, you moron.”

“That doesn’t matter, I should be able to kiss whoever I want, whenever I want.”

“What like that house elf that you-”


“Shhh! Let her talk! Well? Are we allowed ‘same-sex relations’ now?”

Sophie bit her lip. “I mean, yeah-”

Her ‘but’ was drowned out in the cheer that went up across the Great Hall, and she climbed helplessly down from her stool with a shrug.

“Let them celebrate,” the Slytherin muttered. “They’ve earned it.”

Students danced, hugged, cheered and kissed, and at the back of the hall there were two couples in particular that you’d have had to take a chainsaw to to break their lips apart.


“So, we may have won the battle, but the war’s not over yet.” PJ mused.

Sophie was recounting her encounter with Umbridge in the Ravenclaw common room over steaming mugs of hot chocolate, graciously provided by the house elves to celebrate their victory. Dan and Phil were sitting practically on top of each other, trying in vain to hold both hands while still drinking their hot chocolate. Chris sat at the foot of PJ’s armchair with PJ’s gangly legs draped over his shoulders like a scarf. He wasn’t saying much and still looked very tired, but blissfully happy. Carrie, Sophie, Charlie and Ben were sharing a sofa cuddled up under a blanket, and the cosy room was full to bursting with various other students wanting to celebrate, all inter-house animosity  temporarily forgotten (with the first quidditch match of the season – Hufflepuff vs Ravenclaw - the next day however, Dan was sure it would return with vigour after a night’s rest). The fire crackled in the hearth, and Dan lay his head on Phil’s shoulder, closing his eyes with a smile.

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