Chapter 1

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I walk at a speedy pace along the dreary grey path my black hood hung carelessly over my head sheltering me from the rain. My hands were shoved deep into my pockets and my earphones blasting Coldplay through the small speakers. I stare down at my feet. Not bothering to look up at the many people bustling past, pushing and shoving through the crowds.

Soon enough I arrived at my small terraced house which I shared with my Father and younger Sister Rose. My mother had passed away when I was 8 and Rose was just 9 months. She was hit by a drunk driver. She died later that day at the hospital. Ever since then it was just the 3 of us muddling through together Well that's how it used to be. Ever since Rose became ill nothing had been the same. Nothing.

We discovered she had a brain tumour almost a year ago. Her tumours incurable. I love Rose more than anything in the world. The devastating news crashed into our lives destroying everything. I can't imagine how Rose must feel. Knowing that everyday could be her last. She's such a strong person and I admire that. She's my inspiration. My reason to live.

10 is such a young age to depart this world. Rose had whole life ahead of her. But I guess She'll never get to live it.


I walked hastily through the front door and threw my keys onto the kitchen counter before racing up the stairs to see Rose.

I perched carefully at the end of her bed making sure not to wake her. I watched her lie there tubes attached to every inch of her innocent body. Her skin had turned pasty pale and her bright eyes remained shut, leaving her weary eyelids to rest. She didn't deserve any of this.

Doctors and nurses were always rushing in and out our home. Keeping her alive, trying to relieve her pain. There was always something. I couldn't help but think Rose would rather have this suffering end. She would never admit it though. She's a fighter and always has been. Just like our mother.

"Avery?" Rose choked out. Her sapphire eyes fluttering open.

"Hello Rosie" I smiled clasping her fragile hand in mine I moved further up the bed and began to run my fingers through her long blonde hair. She looked so much like her mother. I on the other hand had my fathers genes. My dark brunette hair hung in loose waves past my shoulders. My eyes were a deep shade of brown unlike Rose bright blue ones.

I had once loved my father. He was the person I looked up to most. He understood me in ways other couldn't. Now everything had changed. He cares more about drinking than either of his daughters. Ever since Rose had been diagnosed he would return home early hours of the morning stumbling through the door alcohol present on his breath. It was just Me and Rose now. Us against the world.

Deep down I knew it wouldn't last for much longer. Soon she would be gone. Leaving me in my own pit of despair. I was dreading that day. I knew what I was capable of when left with my own thoughts.

"I love you so much Rosie Posie" I softly mumbled pressing a soft kiss to her forehead

"I love you to Ave" she whispered a small smile appearing on her pale lips "Can you sing to me so I can sleep" she then added a pleading look present in her twinkling eyes

"Off course I can sweetie" I replied brushing a stray strand of hair from her face and loosely tucking it behind her ear.

I began to softly Hum the soothing tune of little bird- Ed Sheeran until Roses eyelids fastened shut. Soft snores escaped from her parted lips and I took that as my cue to leave.

I quietly tiptoed out of her room and down to the kitchen. I checked my phone to see it was currently 8pm. My stomach rumbles loudly and I decided to make dinner for the first time in weeks. I normally didn't have time for dinner since Im either working or looking after Rose. It's currently summer vacation but I'm not out partying like the average 17 year old. I have to provide for my broken family.

I don't mind though. I'd rather spend my time with Rose. When I'm not with her she has some kind of nurse to keep her company. I can tell she hates it though. She hates all of this. All the fuss and care needed. I'd do anything for her to be cured. Anything. I wouldn't wish a brain tumour on anyone. Not after watching little Rose live everyday from her 9th birthday in pure agony.

I still remember the day she was diagnosed. The heartbreaking memory will haunt me forever


My father, Rose and I walked into the pristine white hospital. It always amazed me how clean they were able to keep these places. We abruptly sat down on comfy arm chairs waiting for Rose's name to be called.

I watched the bright able 9 year old sat impatiently tapping her pink converse against the tiled floor. She looked so innocent and pure just sitting, waiting.

"Rose Winters" A snobby looking nurse called. We all immediately stood and followed her to the doctors office.

We're were greeted by a short bald man. His large spectacles were unevenly balanced on the end of his nose causing Rose to burst into fits of giggles. I couldn't help but smile at the beautiful sound of her laughter. We all sat down once again waiting to hear what the doctor had to say.

Rose just sat silently entertained with playing with the end of her braid. She had no clue what was being said. She didn't understand that she didn't have much longer to live.

After we had left the office tears rapidly built in my eyes. I had hurriedly wiped them away not wanting Rose to see me cry. My father just stiffly walked next to us not saying a word. Like he didn't care a bit.

Maybe he never cared

Flashback ended

Snapping back out of my thoughts I continued to cook dinner. Not wanting to think of the devastating memory any longer.

Soon enough I served up my meal and sat alone at be kitchen table. I remember the days we used to sit here as a family. Joy and happiness would fill the room and the sound of laughter would echo through the whole house. I missed those times. I missed our family.

A large sigh escaped my lips as I cleared up my plate along with other loose cooking utensils. I then decide to head upstairs, feeling drained from my exhausting day.

I took a quick shower letting the warm water cascade over my aching body. Once I had finished I hopped out and slipped on an oversized t-shirt. On my way back to my room I passed Rose's. I peered around the door to check she was okay

The sound of gentle snores drifted through the room telling me she was still sleeping

"Goodnight Princess" I whispered before heading to my room

I hurriedly slipped into bed wrapping myself in my thick duvet. It didn't take long before sleep over powered me and I fell into a deep slumber


Thank you all for taking a look at this story!

I hope you all enjoyed the chapter and continue to read on:)

Much love


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