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She said to no one in particular.

'I'm sorry we must part this way.'

Her hands were limp, hung by her sides

Her fingers began to quiver.

'I'll miss you when I'm gone you know,

Don't think this was your fault.'

She whispered into the milky air

That trailed seductive fingers around her throat.

'I'm scared.'

She said to death itself.

And death replied

'I know.'

Her hair like mud and sunshine

Hung against her shoulders like a rope.

'Death' she said

'Please kiss me quick

I can't afford to stay

My sweetheart will be be here at morning

And by then I must be away'

The rain consumed her sadness

But still sorrow soaked her through

And the wind did try to comfort her

But there was not much that it could do.

'But why?' Said Death confused by this, 

More used to meeting human struggle

'A final kiss from your love

Is only right 

Before I take

The last warm breath from you.'

'NO! Please Death, don't make me stay

I can't bear to say goodbye

We've parted once 

And that's enough

If we part again I'll surely die.'

Death agrees, that goodbyes are

Far worse than the act of leaving.

In the last moments of togetherness

 Trying to preserve the image before them 

The elixir of love and loveliness

They see in each others eyes.

The words exchanged can never say enough

Hands are cold, and feelings numb

Each farewell glance is ragged


And bleeding. 

So he gathers her up, and kisses her soft

Then carries her away in his arms.

Her hair like mud and sunshine 

Her tears now rain upon her love.

31 Days Of Imagination (Poetry)Where stories live. Discover now